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  • Probably the fence. Street plowing might give you some road rash, but not a cut.

    Submitted by Unknown_ on Sep 25, 10 at 3:03pm
  • Anyone else as impressed with the sex in the street? Sounds wild and awesome yet way too risky to be anything I would ever do.. right on

    Submitted by whatever234567 on Sep 26, 10 at 12:37am
  • Did you two lay there together afterwards and watch the traffic signals change until a car came?

    Submitted by charlie_murphy on Sep 25, 10 at 7:51pm
  • Discretion Fail

    Submitted by anonymouse4 on Sep 25, 10 at 7:33pm
  • In the street?! Niice<3

    Submitted by jess397 on Sep 26, 10 at 12:26pm
  • I've done this! Well, minus the fence part. I just fell out of the truck!

    Submitted by ladyracer626 on Oct 6, 10 at 10:14am
  • haha wow florida is looking more and more like the beest place to go to college, cant wait til next year hahaha

    Submitted by rubenakatech on Sep 26, 10 at 3:37am
    • This is FGCU... just so you know which schools to look into.

      Submitted by freckleface on Sep 26, 10 at 12:16pm
  • soaked to live in 239...which street I need to try this lol

    Submitted by storx on Jan 31, 11 at 12:40pm
  • Awwww, the drunk white girl--God's gift to man!!!!

    Submitted by niceman on Sep 30, 10 at 11:18am
  • Sounds like a good day/night if it was day i'd be scared for the kids if night...

    Submitted by prometheus on Sep 26, 10 at 2:40am
  • Sounds like something one of my friends would do!

    Submitted by mrkawiman on Sep 25, 10 at 2:16pm
  • The rabid dog that was in the yard u fell into

    Submitted by dersabom on Sep 25, 10 at 11:56pm