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  • Are you kidding? Hide that shit! You don't want him to get some kind of performance anxiety or something... let him show you what he can do with what he has first. Don't shoot a man's horse until you've taken a ride!

    Submitted by ThatOneFatChick on Oct 6, 10 at 12:07pm
  • God invented the clit... regardless of how big his cock is.

    Submitted by EuroPeein on Oct 6, 10 at 1:28pm
  • Euro has it right. I've dated two magnum qualifiers in the past and with both I'd end up more sore than satisfied. I'd take average with skills over that any day

    Submitted by archer79 on Oct 6, 10 at 6:48pm
  • That depends. Do you want him to be able to walk in the morning?

    Submitted by Thrax on Oct 6, 10 at 11:44am
  • Just tell him their baggies for conserving veggies in the fridge.

    Submitted by TheLucasMizulski on Oct 7, 10 at 2:57am
  • been with someone who wore magnum xl's only ended up sore (and not the fun kind) hardly worth it. only fun to give them blowjobs when they're that big

    Submitted by smartuprshutup on Oct 6, 10 at 6:55pm
  • EuroPeein knows what's up.

    Submitted by colan08 on Oct 6, 10 at 2:37pm
  • magnums aren't really any bigger than regular condoms, 5 percent, most guys can use either with ease.

    Submitted by Smartastic on Oct 6, 10 at 6:12pm
  • i say def let him know in advance! gives him a chance to go find someone attractive. tight, sweet, and not a used up hosebag..

    Submitted by seagram7777 on Oct 7, 10 at 9:06pm
  • they are not that much bigger...unless they're xl's.

    Submitted by corinthian on Oct 6, 10 at 6:36pm
  • show that shit!! men can do amazing things when challenged.

    Submitted by yourmomateme on Oct 6, 10 at 1:01pm
  • Dirrybastard, where have you been last last thirty years?! Unless you are in a committed monogamous relationship and both tested, condoms should ALWAYS be used. You can have something from only one partner. It is a proven statistic that if you have had even 2 sexual partners, there is a 75% chance that you carry at least one of the MANY strains of the Human papilloma virus. Not to mention, basic cold sores can spread through oral sex as well. And how about just good old birth control? There is ZERO lo

    Submitted by PhoenixGrey on Oct 7, 10 at 6:28pm
  • Shit I have a box under my sink they need to know we don't like the lil guys

    Submitted by ButtaP129 on Oct 7, 10 at 7:43pm
  • He'll know by how loose you are from using cucumbers up in you. Just remember that the person attached to big members might not be the one you want.

    Submitted by Michguy on Oct 6, 10 at 2:47pm
  • Let 'em know what he's competing against.

    Submitted by gcanon15 on Oct 7, 10 at 7:29am
  • Hell no let him know what ur used to and then he'll know he may have to work a little harder ;)

    Submitted by Locitakim on Oct 7, 10 at 3:03am
  • Don't lower your expectations!

    Submitted by Savagejay on Oct 7, 10 at 12:06am
  • dont hide them put the pressure on, playmakers will step up when heat is on

    Submitted by ilovewhores on Oct 6, 10 at 12:50pm
  • Ya euro

    Submitted by teeenagedream on Oct 16, 10 at 1:00am
  • That's y it's good to be able to wear magnums!

    Submitted by morningwood on Oct 6, 10 at 2:33pm
  • First of all magnum's are the same size as regular condoms lol, and second of all who uses condoms? They way I see it if the person your sleeping with is dirty enough that you have to use a condom, you shouldn't be doing it in the first place.

    Submitted by dirtybastard420 on Oct 7, 10 at 9:26am
    • You are stupid. I really hope you're one of few who's this fucking dumb.

      Submitted by buttoneddown on Oct 9, 10 at 10:54pm