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  • You should probably ask Freud, he always has an opinion on these things, or his friend Oedipus Rex.

    Submitted by 1082.41 on Oct 8, 10 at 9:20am
  • Hope it was by accident

    Submitted by said8ED on Oct 8, 10 at 1:49pm
  • Damn, Canada? I thought this would be a West Virginia one.

    Submitted by jimmyboy on Oct 8, 10 at 11:17am
  • Woahh, easy on the wv comments..were not like that

    Submitted by ndjdn on Oct 9, 10 at 6:59pm
  • I would have followed that with “Not on Purpose” but apparently that’s just me.

    Submitted by bluegirl25 on Oct 9, 10 at 1:19am
  • What the fuck is up with all the incest texts?

    Submitted by reply_ on Oct 12, 10 at 11:34pm
    • How the hell does this have anything to do with incest? Is just walking around the house naked in between showers and getting dressed not normal where you live? Because it's normal where I live and there's always a chance you'll walk past one of your kids in the hallway.

      Submitted by SugarCrystal on Oct 9, 19 at 7:12pm
  • how about ewwwwww!!!!

    Submitted by hand_banana on Oct 8, 10 at 9:06am
  • Wow.

    Submitted by SheBug on Oct 10, 10 at 2:42pm
  • How bout "goooooooooooooooooooo!"

    Submitted by MAATT_DAAAMON on Oct 8, 10 at 5:49pm
  • Not as bad as seeing my underage stepdaughter's boobs and making eye contact. Her strap broke while she was carrying groceries. Awkward.

    Submitted by whatdableep on Oct 11, 10 at 10:22pm
  • tell him his dick is huge!

    Submitted by XiLikeItX on Oct 8, 10 at 7:05pm
  • Probably not again i thought he had control of his urges

    Submitted by ILOVEPINAYS on Oct 8, 10 at 9:17am
  • Wow.

    Submitted by sexygirl94 on Oct 9, 10 at 12:59am
  • You should probably say, "man, I feel sorry for mom." lol teach him his lesson!

    Submitted by qtntexas on Oct 8, 10 at 11:25am
  • Salute him back and carry on soldier!

    Submitted by hogfish on Oct 29, 12 at 1:29pm
  • Oh c'mon. Big whoop.

    Submitted by jltc on Apr 15, 11 at 1:02am
  • Couldve said," do you cone here often?"

    Submitted by funnypro on Oct 13, 10 at 8:27pm
  • There is nothing you can say. Just get the alcohol and steel wool, and start rubbing your pupils.

    Submitted by organiccornflake on Jan 15, 12 at 11:26pm
  • Well, pretty good size? You could say something along those lines.

    Submitted by BondDaddy on Oct 8, 10 at 10:09am
  • You should've just kept your mouth open like he told you do in the first place!

    Submitted by mattswifey on Jul 22, 11 at 8:50pm