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  • Snow White is preggers?

    Submitted by IMGr8NU on Nov 23, 10 at 11:01am
  • Maury is on the phone for you.

    Submitted by regalbeagle on Nov 23, 10 at 9:57am
  • Mortified by this post but between the dwarf comment and the soccer team, this was well worth it. Way to go everybody!

    Submitted by wwiiace on Nov 23, 10 at 11:37am
  • That's usually how Redneck Roulette works.

    Submitted by ButteredToast on Nov 23, 10 at 9:44am
  • Yup, a future Waffle House waitress there for sure!

    Submitted by cfreymarc on Nov 23, 10 at 4:33pm
  • Yeah if it wasn't for filthy sluts,there would be no Rick Scott!

    Submitted by antzilla on Nov 24, 10 at 8:48am
  • Rick Scott, shut the hell up.

    Submitted by sc87 on Nov 24, 10 at 1:38am
  • Holy shit, what a SLUT!! How many guys did she start with BEFORE she narrowed it down to 7?

    Submitted by irishcowboy on Nov 23, 10 at 11:08am
  • Yeah ok, unprotected sex... with more than 7 guys... within a month. That one is a slut; I can't argue with you this time.

    Submitted by AlwaysTheDriver on Nov 24, 10 at 9:05am
    • A woman is only fertile 1-3 days per cycle, so way less than a month. So she rode bareback 7 times in 3 days or less.

      Submitted by Ivychilde on Dec 3, 10 at 8:38am
  • God damnit mom!

    Submitted by dontaskEVUR on Nov 26, 10 at 4:11am
  • I hope this is an exaggeration...

    Submitted by anonmyous on Nov 24, 10 at 4:06pm
  • you should have narrowed it down to 11 guys,in that case we can have a soccer match with a team and whoever plays the best is the father.\ni know this doesn't make sense at all but my point is that a condom could be useful to avoid stupid sarcasm.

    Submitted by canonymous on Nov 23, 10 at 10:16am
  • Hahah just north battleford style

    Submitted by thebrown11 on Aug 2, 11 at 6:57pm
  • this is seriously just everyday prince albert right here..\nand if you havent heard of pa.. your lucky

    Submitted by leh183 on Apr 22, 11 at 3:02am
  • That's so prairies.

    Submitted by PhantomOfThe on Aug 10, 11 at 7:34pm
  • Damn someone say slut maybe it's the town ho here

    Submitted by 2boys on Nov 23, 10 at 10:16am
  • @IMGr8NU I peed a little.

    Submitted by Ayoven on Nov 25, 10 at 10:35am
  • Time for classic not it game

    Submitted by jsh on Nov 25, 10 at 5:20am
  • Rick Scott you are fucking stupid. None of your comments are funny, and nobody even likes you. Why don't you try to stop being retarded and get a life.

    Submitted by babygirl626 on Nov 24, 10 at 2:11pm
  • Lmfao @ IMGr8NU. You're a genius.

    Submitted by boolou on Nov 23, 10 at 2:13pm
  • How many got the clap? Narrow it down more. The guys whose penis isn't a biological disaster wrapped up and can't be the father. You're a huge whore

    Submitted by zackdalegomaniak on Nov 23, 10 at 2:48pm
  • Gross

    Submitted by MAFP on Nov 24, 10 at 2:17am
  • Don't be so hard on the girl. Dirty sluts hold an important place in society. You're all fired.

    Submitted by rick_scott on Nov 23, 10 at 11:01am