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  • Rick. Scott. Got. Handcuffed. In. The. Showers. With. Men.

    Submitted by morningwood on Nov 29, 10 at 2:04pm
  • It's not all bad. At least you had one free hand to let the world know you're fucking retarded.

    Submitted by RyanM on Nov 29, 10 at 3:13pm
  • You. Are. Fucking. Retarded.

    Submitted by urallstupid on Nov 29, 10 at 1:53pm
  • Damn, Michael Weston came after you. Don't mess with that guy.

    Submitted by jimmyboy on Nov 29, 10 at 1:55pm
  • Ah, I remember my first day on the force...

    Submitted by nukefarmer on Nov 29, 10 at 5:34pm
  • Yet you Used. All. Caps. in your post. D. Bag.

    Submitted by robral on Dec 2, 10 at 8:32am
  • That's why you carry a key

    Submitted by said8ED on Nov 29, 10 at 2:03pm
    • Pussies thumbin' me down, again

      Submitted by said8ED on Nov 29, 10 at 6:41pm
      • I've come to realize that if people thumbs down you it's either because they wish they could have thought of it first and are jealous, or it's because they're pissed you thought of it first. Only two options.

        Submitted by ttesroD on Nov 30, 10 at 12:41am
      • The only reason the key is MIA is clearly because kinky sex went south. Said partner took key and peaced out. I'm not sure how that would work, but it's clearly the only way a key is not in this persons possession.

        Submitted by RyanM on Nov 30, 10 at 1:37am
  • Putting periods in between words in your text does not make them more entertaining. Loser.

    Submitted by dinopete on Nov 29, 10 at 5:01pm
  • so if you can still text why didnt you text for help?

    Submitted by gingy36 on Dec 2, 10 at 12:22am
  • bondage? XD

    Submitted by thisGuy650 on Nov 30, 10 at 4:10am
  • How do u comment on a comment?!

    Submitted by noble_sunny on Nov 30, 10 at 12:12am
  • Poorly exacuted joke it should have simply said\nHandcuffed to steering wheel\nSend help

    Submitted by kakowa on Nov 30, 10 at 2:40pm
  • this took entirely way too long to read

    Submitted by rooster92 on Nov 30, 10 at 2:17am
  • Guess it would have help to come up with an easier safe word, as opposed to "supercalifragilisticixpyaladocious" huh. Hard to say that with a gimpball lodged in your mouth and a dildo in your ass!

    Submitted by ly0ntamer on Nov 29, 10 at 5:48pm
  • Lol. Oh Tyler tx... Never fail to amuse me.

    Submitted by cbomblisse on Nov 29, 10 at 7:03pm
  • I wanna know how this happened...

    Submitted by MeOlly on Nov 29, 10 at 10:05pm
  • You. Are. All. Fired!

    Submitted by rick_scott on Nov 29, 10 at 1:58pm
  • @ kakwoa Nice!

    Submitted by Reikage_Sanshi on Dec 1, 10 at 3:34am