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  • Brilliant! They probably thought it was a giant Cheeto or something.

    Submitted by TexasWDollarsign on Jan 12, 11 at 9:25am
  • I DO NOT support the taking advantage of stoners for money act

    Submitted by snowboat on Jan 18, 11 at 7:11am
  • Haha I would totally do that!!

    Submitted by l3ulit on Jan 12, 11 at 6:19pm
  • watch out! the people who bought it are probably the same ones that tried to make a bong outta lego parts before and failed.

    Submitted by LivingDestiny on Jan 18, 11 at 12:23am
  • This is my home state

    Submitted by Shadow18 on Mar 28, 14 at 11:17pm
  • How dare you take advantage of such a proud people!

    Submitted by patrick3 on Jan 17, 11 at 6:06pm
  • If you had a business degree you would be the most famous Entrepreneur in the world

    Submitted by DuFF12891 on Jan 14, 11 at 10:17am