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  • Yup. Cuz us suthern hillbillies caint speek or spell..... There are educated people in the south, douche.

    Submitted by mimo14 on Feb 7, 11 at 9:59am

    Submitted by 3knucklesdeep on Feb 7, 11 at 6:13pm
  • Adams is funny because his grammar also sucks. The irony amuses me.

    Submitted by Topanga053 on Feb 7, 11 at 11:21pm
  • What? No way, you have to be lying.

    Submitted by CheckOne on Feb 7, 11 at 9:45am
  • Fuck you im from bama and in med school at the top of my class... Just because the language isnt "correct" doesnt mean they are from the south... You dumb ass yankees cant talk worth shit so i dont want to hear it! You got factor in that they are probably drunk as well idiot

    Submitted by adams421 on Feb 7, 11 at 11:54am
    • So, are you going to use the excuse that you are drunk for your own post as well?

      Submitted by Charwinger21 on Feb 8, 11 at 2:01pm
  • Its funny because he is being raped by twins

    Submitted by legonut4 on Feb 7, 11 at 9:45am
  • You all need to get over your self and get off the guys back for making a mistake. I'm sure you have done it too. Oh and by the way, I'm from Arkansas. That was an insult to me.

    Submitted by jewishprincess8 on Feb 7, 11 at 10:46pm
  • I find it funny how god damn ignorant people are. Like if I mention that I'm from Texas people think I ride a fucking horse to school. How about you stop stereotyping and learn your shit.

    Submitted by snackattack on Feb 11, 11 at 12:33am
  • 786 is a Miami area code. I have lived in Miami for years. Everyone in south FL knows it's not part of the "deep south." Know one acts as the stereotypical blue collar redneck here. It's pretty much a different country where you need to know Spanish just to get around.

    Submitted by froggyoggy on Feb 8, 11 at 2:29am
    • *No one\noops spelling mistake. Doesn't mean I'm not educated.

      Submitted by froggyoggy on Feb 8, 11 at 2:49am
    • *No one. Oops made a spelling mistake. Doesn't mean I'm not educated.

      Submitted by froggyoggy on Feb 8, 11 at 2:51am
  • (continued from previous post)\n\ educated woman who will make decent money to "keep" me.

    Submitted by SnidelyKWhiplash on Feb 8, 11 at 11:46pm
  • Ampitup.... Did your mother always teach you to trust people? Because you cant trust half of what these people say... I can read fucker so kiss my ass...

    Submitted by adams421 on Feb 7, 11 at 7:14pm
  • I am from Florida, and you pretty much seem like the fucking idiot! I've met some pretty ignorant fucks from New York, Ohio etc. Being from a certain region of the U.S doesn't make you any smarter, or any more ignorant. Stfu!

    Submitted by florida_girl_18 on Feb 8, 11 at 8:13am
  • A threesome with twins is epic. If you don't do it you will regret it.

    Submitted by cfreymarc on Feb 7, 11 at 9:08pm
  • It actually says 'I'm not drunk' right there in the text learn how to read.

    Submitted by Ampitup on Feb 7, 11 at 2:24pm
  • Fuck you, my grammar is fine, thanks... Looks like I made it farther than you in life... And Im not a he, Im a she... So fuck off!

    Submitted by adams421 on Feb 8, 11 at 1:32pm
  • ... I would like to point out that I am from the south as well, southern Tennessee, specifically. The majority of my friends and people I know have excellent grammar and a well-developed vocabulary. (I don't usually speak like that, I am just trying to make a point.)

    Submitted by FirstyWorld on Feb 12, 11 at 12:27am
  • Mmmmmm twin-cest

    Submitted by alexcrue on Feb 7, 11 at 11:30pm
  • yesss im dating a twin haha!!

    Submitted by bandgeek11 on Feb 7, 11 at 4:33pm
  • People can be JUDGMENTAL if they want. America is a free country. I learned that during my education.

    Submitted by smurphette on Feb 7, 11 at 10:05pm
  • And I can clearly type fine. We are educated so stfu, stop being so judgemental or get outta America ! Thankks;)<3

    Submitted by louisvillecheer0 on Feb 7, 11 at 7:43pm
  • STFU! Michguy. First of all how do you know there from the south because it's typed fine. Second of all I'm from Florida

    Submitted by louisvillecheer0 on Feb 7, 11 at 7:40pm
  • Aww yeah Eiffel tower time

    Submitted by Allo_guv on Feb 9, 11 at 10:11pm
  • Adams421, will you be my sugar mama? I need an educat

    Submitted by SnidelyKWhiplash on Feb 8, 11 at 11:43pm
  • Florida - I would have guessed Mississippi, Alabama or some other "Deep South" location by the poor use of the English language.

    Submitted by Michguy on Feb 7, 11 at 9:44am
    • Are, not is!

      Submitted by Ampitup on Feb 7, 11 at 9:59am
    • It's a reference to Homestar Runner:\n

      Submitted by jgbos on Feb 7, 11 at 5:20pm