Being in shape is important for your health and the idiots that have no resolve to go the gym for more than a few weeks are annoying because they just take up space and get in the way of people who actually want to stay in shape so stfu.
I'm not talking about staying in shape, I'm talking about the idiots who think being ripped somehow makes them cool. If you are unsure the people I'm talking about, it's because you are one of those people.
Skinny people, fat people, who gives a shit. Let people exercise wherever. But I'm with the people that hate those that blame genetics. I'm fat cuz I hate exercise not cuz of "big bones."
Guys who make women feel insecure at the gym are part of the reason these women don't STAY at the gym. Girls don't get thin for themselves or their health, just dick. Obvi, there's exceptions, but still. Btw, I use p90x, way better than a gym.
Ah the typical meathead who has nothing else going for him so he spends hours on hours at the gym. Here's a little secret for're still gonna die.
Hahahaha! Fuck the gym!! Best time to go to bars.... First 2 weeks after new years and first week or so at the beginning of new semesters! That's when everyone "cares"
Fact: It's really annoying to have those people that join the gym for all of one month, show up twice, walk around aimlessly looking at the machines and leave. Those lazy asses are the kind none of us enjoy to have around. All other fatties that actually are there to get in shape and better their health: welcome.
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