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  • no homo though, right?

    Submitted by OhIo330 on Jun 26, 11 at 9:51am

    Submitted by bmiller808 on Jun 26, 11 at 2:13pm
  • A mouth's a mouth, right?

    Submitted by myheartisyours on Jun 26, 11 at 9:52am
  • Yeah, but it turns into a vag at midnight.

    Submitted by AreYouShittinMe on Jun 26, 11 at 10:33am
  • Guys! Guys! OP is a dude. (I'll show myself out.)

    Submitted by BobLoblaw138 on Jun 26, 11 at 2:22pm
  • Go for it man, we need more gays in this world for population control to keep old school bigot commenters such as below from being born

    Submitted by gradguy2011 on Jun 26, 11 at 2:38pm
  • Every hole is a goal

    Submitted by spinback66 on Jun 27, 11 at 2:02am
  • Yay for pride weekend in Houston.

    Submitted by candipants on Jun 26, 11 at 10:18am
  • Straights try to do that all the time to me and my friends, but you don't see us whining... just ignore it and move on.

    Submitted by dougmcdonald on Jun 26, 11 at 1:14pm
  • man the intolerance of posters amazes me.

    Submitted by mjo on Jun 26, 11 at 1:17pm
  • woo hoo! Party onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

    Submitted by lylak87 on Jun 30, 11 at 4:54am
  • There is a double standard in this world, so stupid. Straight people are so narrow minded sometimes.

    Submitted by napster97 on Jun 26, 11 at 3:35pm
  • I'm all for tolerance and whatnot . . . but doesn't this sound a bit . . . um . . . rapey? Imagine if it were a straight guy saying that he didn't care the girl is a lesbian, he'd be eating her out by midnight.\n\nPeople would be screaming.

    Submitted by Res_Ipsa on Jun 28, 11 at 10:19pm
    • You see straight guys all the time posting shit on TFLN saying similar things about getting a woman

      Submitted by johno0318 on Jun 30, 11 at 1:47am
  • Well...

    Submitted by cireretals on Jun 26, 11 at 9:33am
  • Well as long and you say no homo

    Submitted by chinballwizard on Oct 6, 11 at 12:45pm
  • In new york we act like we approve of homosexuality :)

    Submitted by razze on Jun 26, 11 at 11:27pm
  • You go boy!!!! I make bets with my gf I can do the same thing all the time.

    Submitted by polarbear79 on Jun 26, 11 at 4:53pm
  • Fags are crazy as shit.

    Submitted by reddraggon on Jun 30, 11 at 6:57am
  • Go pride weekend!!! I don't get why everyone that is straight is against them. They r the best, btw I'm straight.

    Submitted by Duckkoo on Jun 27, 11 at 3:12am
  • Go to New York with that shit.

    Submitted by Kilo6Actual on Jun 26, 11 at 10:03am
  • That's the exact reason why a lot of ppl can't stand gays.

    Submitted by uwgb on Jun 26, 11 at 9:40am
    • No it's not...strait people do this to gays just as often.

      Submitted by jltc on Jun 26, 11 at 10:12am
    • *intolerance and ignorance are actually the reasons for that.

      Submitted by collegelover01 on Jul 1, 11 at 12:02am
  • Yuk.

    Submitted by RoffMain on Jun 26, 11 at 3:37pm
  • Don't compare Disney to your sleazy , desperate, and sloppy fantasizes

    Submitted by Nicole170 on Jun 26, 11 at 6:14pm
  • Tht means ur a girl rit? I'm confused!!!

    Submitted by hottie92 on Jun 27, 11 at 3:02am
  • What the fuck has this world come to

    Submitted by nyakacrispy on Jun 27, 11 at 3:13am
    • A breeding ground for narrow-minded bigots such as yourself.

      Submitted by Rooon55 on Jun 29, 11 at 12:13am
  • and this is one of those comments that speaks for everyone, blow him on your own time no need to tell the world

    Submitted by wtfdidido on Jun 26, 11 at 12:31pm
    • nope not me.

      Submitted by napster97 on Jun 27, 11 at 9:12pm
    • Nor me. Do you make comments like this on every post that references having sex, or only the ones that possibly involve two men? If so, you're on the wrong site.

      Submitted by Meshandlace on Jun 28, 11 at 11:07pm
    • And this is a comment that speaks for everyone as well asking you who the fuck gave you the right to speak for us

      Submitted by johno0318 on Jun 30, 11 at 1:45am
  • It should be a gun in your mouth instead... gross.

    Submitted by SomebodySomeone on Jun 26, 11 at 12:24pm
    • homosexuals commit suicide all the time due to discrimination and bullying. that's really not something to joke about, let alone say seriously.

      Submitted by collegelover01 on Jun 30, 11 at 11:58pm