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  • "Why do you think I'm in a goddamn doctor's office?"

    Submitted by kemosabi4 on Jul 20, 11 at 1:58am
  • Pfft. What the hell does he know??

    Submitted by Hot_Parapraxis on Jul 17, 11 at 2:24pm
  • Yah treatment,,, rehab is for quitters!! Party in Garth ; p

    Submitted by junie519 on Jul 17, 11 at 10:26pm
  • He might want to look into minding his own god damn business

    Submitted by zemon on Jul 17, 11 at 2:37pm
  • You should have told him the only treatment you were interested in is him getting you crutches and putting a damn cast on your foot

    Submitted by Phys on Jul 17, 11 at 3:36pm
  • Lmfao. This exact same thing happened to me. You're not alone man. Screw treatment.

    Submitted by ringo420 on Jul 17, 11 at 3:04pm