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  • Oh the luck of some people. :')

    Submitted by kallimist on Sep 29, 11 at 5:59pm
  • Hopefully the people who vote bad night on this live in a glass house so I can nail something to their door!

    Submitted by ly0ntamer on Sep 29, 11 at 11:08am
  • awww yeah Boulder yeah :]

    Submitted by bouldergirl13 on Sep 29, 11 at 3:02pm
  • Not sure if the previous comments are spurred by hatred or just jealousy?

    Submitted by CrazyRunner on Sep 29, 11 at 12:58pm
  • You get weed delivered to your HOUSE!? Are you KIDDING ME!?

    Submitted by dhooks111490 on May 22, 12 at 1:55pm
  • Boulder! Fuck yeah!

    Submitted by kidicarus on Oct 1, 11 at 1:37pm
  • Nailed to the door? The dealer had or found a hammer(or something to use as a hammer) and nail? Impressive.

    Submitted by airfields on Oct 1, 11 at 11:29pm
  • Haters gunna hate

    Submitted by therearender on Sep 30, 11 at 7:58am
  • Atl would tear your ass right out the frame! Go sit your punk ass down somewhere.

    Submitted by awilson41208 on Sep 29, 11 at 12:14pm
  • Boulder is full of privileged white kids. We kick em to the curb and laugh when they show up in Denver. East Colfax will destroy you boulder pussies.

    Submitted by JJdoggie on Sep 29, 11 at 11:22am
    • Oakland, Compton, Philly........Denver. If you say so.

      Submitted by Deebo5050 on Sep 29, 11 at 1:32pm
    • I know about East Colfax because of South Park! Yay for being white!

      Submitted by tlovell on Sep 29, 11 at 5:31pm