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  • Can't wait for GA_Peach to give some awful reply.

    Submitted by hsm531 on Nov 1, 11 at 3:37pm
    • I second that.

      Submitted by steve0329 on Nov 1, 11 at 4:31pm
    • Fuck you

      Submitted by GA_Peach on Nov 1, 11 at 5:46pm
      • no, we hate her because she's a cunt

        Submitted by fucksyourmother on Nov 2, 11 at 5:54am
        • Bahahaha ...... Kudos on the name!

          Submitted by Yourmomslover on Nov 2, 11 at 7:04am
          • I agree with hsm. Stop fucking commenting on tfln GA_peach. Your comments aren't cool, funny, or even relevant. Like for fucking real. Shit.

            Submitted by Darhnub on Nov 3, 11 at 10:18pm
        • Yup you are fatherfigure. Leave me the hell alone you creepy stalker.

          Submitted by GA_Peach on Nov 2, 11 at 1:08pm
    • Just wondering if all these people really hate GA Peach or is it one person with multiple screen names? Just curious.

      Submitted by LuvvyBoo on Nov 1, 11 at 9:04pm
      • It's probably fatherfigure, he can't let anything go. People that attack other posters for no reason are stupid. It gets olds. High school called, they want their childish drama back.

        Submitted by threeoneseven on Nov 1, 11 at 11:13pm
        • Agreed. GA Peach isnt that bad. I actually think she's funny... she grew on me. Much love Peach. xoxo

          Submitted by sssmarie on Nov 1, 11 at 11:35pm
          • <3 you two :)

            Submitted by GA_Peach on Nov 1, 11 at 11:37pm
          • Agreed. Though I'm not a huge fan of her comments, there is no need to bash her constantly. People need to grow the fuck up.

            Submitted by LuvvyBoo on Nov 2, 11 at 12:54am
      • Yeah I was going to go off about him being high schoolish but a simple epitaph seemed more on their level.

        Submitted by GA_Peach on Nov 1, 11 at 11:38pm
    • stop hating bitch

      Submitted by skatedonthate on Nov 2, 11 at 1:12am
    • Wtf..this is a freakin text site. Gtf off her nuts u losers. Sheesh! Anyway, Peach, ur fine w me.

      Submitted by pittgal228 on Nov 2, 11 at 11:07am
  • Handcuffs are the reason I dressed as a cop for Halloween!

    Submitted by Phys on Nov 1, 11 at 3:29pm
  • there is nothing wrong with waking up handcuffed to your bed. its waking up naked handcuffed to some guy you don't know's bed that is embarrassing

    Submitted by Quake6 on Nov 1, 11 at 7:11pm
  • Finally north Alabam. Always getting into shit

    Submitted by stuperfantastic on Nov 1, 11 at 7:29pm
  • Sweet home Alabama :) great Halloween weekend!

    Submitted by ksnazz on Nov 1, 11 at 9:28pm
  • Would have been more entertaining had twofvsix responded with "if you keep your story straight. Handcuffs won't be in my future."

    Submitted by GA_Peach on Nov 2, 11 at 4:50am
  • You know you had a good night when......

    Submitted by LuvvyBoo on Nov 1, 11 at 8:59pm