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  • How old are you ASHASH?

    Submitted by CockyMuthaFucka on Nov 11, 11 at 2:45pm
  • Well worth being late for

    Submitted by djskillzmusic on Nov 11, 11 at 2:38pm
  • Just past huh

    Submitted by stuperfantastic on Nov 11, 11 at 4:43pm
  • I've played it at camp, 4h retreats and at school. Usually part of a race or school fun day...never heard of making it a drinking game though. husband is from washington state and had never heard of it though...weird.

    Submitted by GA_Peach on Nov 11, 11 at 10:22pm
  • I saw this at my cousins collage. You pour the alcohol into a plastic bat, chug out of it, spin around, then they throw the can and you have to hit it

    Submitted by ITS_MEEEEE on Nov 12, 11 at 1:27am
  • All these youngsters don't know the game.... Wow I'm old.

    Submitted by LuvvyBoo on Nov 11, 11 at 10:31pm
    • I'm really old, and I didn't know what it is. I mean, I've seen the game done without the drinking involved, but never heard it called.dizzy bat.

      Submitted by SnidelyKWhiplash on Nov 12, 11 at 3:41am
      • Are you in your 30's? I am. I miss being younger. LOL

        Submitted by LuvvyBoo on Nov 13, 11 at 12:41am
  • I'm 25 and I had no clue what dizzy bat was. Nor have I led a sheltered life. Perhaps it's a regional thing.

    Submitted by wubbazugg on Nov 11, 11 at 5:37pm
  • passed, not past

    Submitted by kevxster on Nov 11, 11 at 11:52pm
  • How the fuck do you NOT know what dizzy bat is?? The name says it all!! And rock on, Stephenville. Rock on.

    Submitted by tinams36 on Nov 11, 11 at 8:54pm
  • Tequila dizzy bat? Where do you get the crushed up can to swing at?

    Submitted by TotemFart on Nov 11, 11 at 4:52pm
  • Wtf is dizzy bat?

    Submitted by AshAsh1222 on Nov 11, 11 at 2:24pm
  • And you're still on the way to class? Someone needs to straighten out their priorities.

    Submitted by menardgcrebs on Nov 12, 11 at 10:58am
  • I'm 19. I didn't think of dizzy bat involving a baseball bat. Definitely makes sense now and I've heard of it, never really had a name for it though.

    Submitted by AshAsh1222 on Nov 12, 11 at 3:28am