Why does everybody think that because a person is drunk that they can't type? People drive cars blacked out drunk because its a repetitive habit. Isn't texting something we do even WHILE driving? Think about it for a bit.
I was with this person that night - 1. It was everclear & kinky vodka mixed...then mug night at the bars so a mug of whiskey & coke + a mug of beer + 2 shots from a friend 2. It never said they were having trouble breathing, just concentrating on it very hard. 3. They're very anal about their texts & will correct one for 10 minutes while drunk until it's perfect.
Just because the words are spelt right doesn't mean the text is fake. I drunk text all the time and my iPhone auto-corrects what I type so it doesn't look like I'm drunk.
I don't see this as being a text about having trouble breathing, I see it as a text where the op is trying to keep from either puking or passing out. Which after a mug of whiskey and coke, beer, Everclear and shots is an extremely tame reaction. This guy has a liver of steel and is, frankly, lucky he didn't die from alchemy. Poisoning.
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