Sorry I kept grabbing your vagina at the casino. I believed it was my lucky unicorn to win bonuses
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unicorn?? um that wasn't a vagina you were grabbing...
Sounds like the traffic-directing-tranny followed you to the casino.
winner winner fishy dinner
If it was actually a vagina you were grabbing up on, it shouldn't have felt like a unicorn....
Unicorn... Vagina... unicorn... Vagina? I'm confused
Go study anatomy please. Knowledge is sexy.
GA Peach again.
Go fuck yourself loser.
Don't let the bastards get you down GA!
agreed! it was getting pathetic weeks it's beyond pathetic.
I was more pissed at his terrorist screen name than his actual comment...just hit a chord. Lol
Is unicorn another name for cock?
It may have been a penis, but was it, in fact, a lucky one?
Grabbing vagina? Whoa there Herman Cain...
Lol Doug he's not fooling anyone
Dumb. Obviously fake
Just because you've never touched a vagina doesn't mean it's fake.
It was a HILARIOUS JOKE. Cuz it's rare like a unicorn.... A lucky charm per say.... Awesome!!!!!!
Charlie Sheen winning!
Ahhh the effects of alcohol/drugs. :)
Whatever works.
Ahhhhh the elusive unicorn
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