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  • The sad thing is that the people commenting on this status are googling dolphin dicks, hahaha, and then arguing about them.

    Submitted by MileHighMan on Dec 9, 11 at 1:33pm
  • And I'd be willing to bet yours aren't 18" long and prehensile.

    Submitted by wubbazugg on Dec 9, 11 at 12:11pm
    • Is that why Hedonistic quit replying to comments last night? You 2 a thing or what?

      Submitted by gostrong on Dec 9, 11 at 3:24pm
      • Dude, stop trolling for women. I thought you were cool. Hedonistic is taken, I think. Move on.

        Submitted by LuvvyBoo on Dec 9, 11 at 9:37pm
        • Naively, I thought TFLN was for ENTERTAINMENT purposes; not MY personal life. Silly me! @ Go: If I was interested in you then you'd know it. I am a very direct person. I'm trying to be nice about your crude (and NOT funny) comments, but it's really getting old.

          Submitted by Hedonistic on Dec 9, 11 at 10:19pm
          • Message received. I also saw the psyco movie reference on the other thread of comments. Sorry.

            Submitted by gostrong on Dec 10, 11 at 1:12pm
        • Boo you're willing to jump on any cock that pays you the slightest amount of attention. You are just bitter because I didn't respond after you emailed your pictures. You're not nearly as hot as you claim to be. Actually you look pretty fake like you used to be a man- something I think you and Preppy have in common. QUIT BEING SO FUCKING DESPERATE!

          Submitted by gostrong on Dec 10, 11 at 1:09pm
          • I'm all woman, you Dicktard. Fuck off. I'm not at all desperate and not bitter. You are just a worthless piece of shit.

            Submitted by LuvvyBoo on Dec 10, 11 at 8:44pm
          • HARSH! Don't ya think! Clearly ruffling feathers is what gets you off. Good luck with that. Perhapse you should learn to dial it back and realize that there are people on the other end of screen names. Maybe then you'd be able to discover that the beautiful warmth of a good-hearted woman's soul is far more satisfying than the cold hard loathing you are currently provoking.

            Submitted by Hedonistic on Dec 11, 11 at 4:07pm
          • Wow, sounds like someone got denied the tit when they were little.\nAnd every once since, at that.

            Submitted by wubbazugg on Dec 11, 11 at 5:09pm
  • Dolphin penises are not prehensile. FYI.

    Submitted by picklepuss on Dec 9, 11 at 12:19pm
  • OP is a fan!

    Submitted by MuffinW on Dec 10, 11 at 1:12am
  • And how small YOUR dicks are.

    Submitted by SnidelyKWhiplash on Dec 9, 11 at 11:01am
  • @pickle: ROFL using wiki as a reference source!\nI've done my research, I've studied marine bio, and yes they are.

    Submitted by wubbazugg on Dec 11, 11 at 4:47pm
    • I wanna be a dolphin!!!

      Submitted by Hedonistic on Dec 11, 11 at 5:02pm
      • I've heard female dolphins have muscles in their vaginal canal that can be manipulated individually, as well. \nGotta love being friends with Sea World employees!

        Submitted by wubbazugg on Dec 12, 11 at 6:10pm