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  • Ah, the stunted abilities for interconnections, callousness and emotionally anesthetized aspects of women known as sluts! Do yourself a favor boy... Cut your losses and run! She'll never be more than a fuck-toy!!! And you will never be more to her than a piece of meat!

    Submitted by Hedonistic on Dec 30, 11 at 10:52am
    • I think sluts are more people who don't live by what society programs is to believe is appropriate. Sexually liberated people can have multiple partners and maintain connections and ethics. He just crossed a boundary where she no longer feels safe. How dare you diminish the value of a fuck toy!

      Submitted by porksword on Dec 30, 11 at 11:54am
      • Multiple partners doesn't define a slut as long as everyone knows what's up. A woman can also be in a monogomos relationship and still be a fuck-toy; it keeps the fire going! My point was that if he is falling for her and she's only using him for sex, his best option is to bail because she only wants to be a fuck-toy. Being sexually liberated and maintaining ethics, boundaries and relationships (tho not society's norm) is not being a slut... It having an alternative lifestyl

        Submitted by Hedonistic on Dec 30, 11 at 12:08pm
        • * lifestyle! And I'm all for it!!!

          Submitted by Hedonistic on Dec 30, 11 at 12:11pm
          • So how would you define slut?

            Submitted by porksword on Dec 30, 11 at 12:21pm
            • Promiscuity with lack of integrity, standards and morals; complete disregard for the humanity of others you're involved with; dishonesty with regard to the situations and people... To start. (You just love to give me shit, don't you? Ya know, if you're gonna keep riding me so hard the least you could do is have the decency to smack my ass and pull my hair!)

              Submitted by Hedonistic on Dec 30, 11 at 12:37pm
            • Ok, that's my definition of an asshole. I'm not giving you shit, only curious how you perceive things. Would your lifestyle choice allow that kind of horseplay? In front of all these people too, naughty girl!!

              Submitted by porksword on Dec 30, 11 at 1:55pm
            • I perceive things with a very open mind. My lifestyle allows for exploration into territories that some dare not travel simply because I am comfortable with the woman I am and confident in my choices.

              Submitted by Hedonistic on Dec 30, 11 at 3:32pm
            • Hmmm....that was almost an answer.

              Submitted by porksword on Dec 30, 11 at 3:47pm
            • Sweety, if you want details or a more definitive answer to any of your questions then shoot me an email. God knows everyone on this f'ing sight already has my email address!

              Submitted by Hedonistic on Dec 30, 11 at 4:00pm
            • @ porksword: If you don't take that shot you are a fucking idiot. Men like me and Snidely would give our left nut for girl like Hedo.

              Submitted by KITTYLICKNGOOD on Dec 30, 11 at 7:45pm
              • While there is much I would do for a woman of Hedo's caliber, severing a teste is far and away NOT on my list.

                Submitted by SnidelyKWhiplash on Dec 31, 11 at 1:23pm
            • @ Balls: I think there was a complement in there, so thanks, but I think you're reading too much into things. I extended an invitation to take a convo offline bc Con22 got pissy and I don't want certain personal details displayed on a public forum. Your assumption that it was an invite to fuck me or hookup is just as screwed as Con22's assumption that I'm a slut!

              Submitted by Hedonistic on Dec 30, 11 at 9:28pm
      • amen!

        Submitted by Ampitup on Aug 19, 12 at 6:16am
  • Why are most ppl on here eccentric assholes who will never amount to anything. TFLN is suppose to be comedic. Not an assessment in personal beliefs and psychology. So plz stop interfering my humor with your twisted life. It only benefits you.

    Submitted by ConJoL_22 on Dec 30, 11 at 3:46pm
    • I'm not sure, why are you dwelling on this thread when there are 30,000 others for you. That's probably why you'll never amount to anything. Thanks for letting me know what this site is "suppose"d to be, the buttons that say comment and reply had me confused. Hope this reply benefits you in some small way.

      Submitted by porksword on Dec 30, 11 at 4:17pm
    • My eccentricities don't make me an asshole, any more than eating chicken makes me a rooster. Neither do they determine whether or not I'll make anything of myselves. Many of the greatest geniuses in history have been eccentric at best, and balls out bat shit crazy at worst. Best to keep your sweeping generalizations and unwarranted criticisms to yourself, or at least on your church's website where they might be met with like minded bigotry.

      Submitted by SnidelyKWhiplash on Dec 30, 11 at 4:43pm
      • I am indeed eccentric, and some would say balls out bat shit crazy, so draw your own conclusions there. And while I may not be a rooster, I have been called a cock. And in that capacity I can whole heartedly tell you, ConJol, to suck me you arrogant jack wagon.

        Submitted by SnidelyKWhiplash on Dec 30, 11 at 4:49pm
        • Bhahaha... Your rants always crack me up!!! Too many duchebags in too many days... Is it just me or is this becomming a really fucked up version of the 12 days of Christmas? Three witty supporters, two douchebags, and a slut in a pear tree!

          Submitted by Hedonistic on Dec 30, 11 at 5:10pm
          • Don't let the haters get to you. By the thumbs up you get every day and defensive comments against gostronng you should know we all like you a lot.

            Submitted by KITTYLICKNGOOD on Dec 30, 11 at 7:39pm
            • Get to me? Pssssss... NEVER! If I'm not going to let Gostrong get the best of me, do you really think I'll cave to this little fucker? HELL NO!!!

              Submitted by Hedonistic on Dec 30, 11 at 8:27pm
          • I do believe I'd eat that whole tree to get to that one piece of fruit.

            Submitted by SnidelyKWhiplash on Dec 31, 11 at 1:20pm
            • Cute! Lucky for you it's a small bush. LOL! I'd hate to see you get those splinters in your tongue! :-D (This site had become too much drama over the last couple of days. I'm laying low, but you know where to find me. Have a happy new year!)

              Submitted by Hedonistic on Dec 31, 11 at 4:22pm
    • Assessment in personal beliefs? You called her a slut. That makes you a hypocrite. I don't do things because society tells me to so I may be eccentric but you are the asshole.

      Submitted by KITTYLICKNGOOD on Dec 30, 11 at 7:34pm
    • Never amount to anything? There is a common misperception that I am a 20yo tramp; let's clear things up! I am a grown as woman with a career pulling 6 figures and a full time student that when complete will double my income! I have a mortgage but also qtr mil in home liquidity! I've achieved it all w/o parents or a man to pay the way! I am a self made woman and unless you are under 35 with a PhD and net worth >half mil I've already amounted to more than you SO FUCK OFF!

      Submitted by Hedonistic on Dec 30, 11 at 9:43pm
  • Livnla timma!

    Submitted by stuperfantastic on Dec 30, 11 at 10:19am
  • I need a drink now.

    Submitted by pinky22 on Dec 30, 11 at 9:59pm
  • I've had this problem before (though we weren't actually sleeping together yet when it came up). He told me he loved me after about a month and a half and I froze. Then I said "Thank you...?", and he looked so crestfallen that I had to tell him why and it was awkward...

    Submitted by Jennamatic_3000 on Dec 31, 11 at 2:36am
    • I just pictured the end of the movie Liar Liar when the ex wife is on the plane with the boyfriend (before Jim Carrey shows up in the window) and the boyfriend says I Love You. The ex freezes and says Thank You? LOL love that movie.

      Submitted by LuvvyBoo on Dec 31, 11 at 3:03am
  • Hedonistic! Sounds like you are a slut. Now stop spreading your ideals. around TFLN...Really starting to get old. You should get your own TV show or something on the Heathen network.

    Submitted by ConJoL_22 on Dec 30, 11 at 1:45pm
    • Awwww did gostrong get a new name? Nobody forces you to read any comments. Get a fucking life!!!

      Submitted by Imalover on Dec 30, 11 at 2:07pm
      • That's the repressed version of slut I'm talking about. If you want molalistic stunted views , try fox news or any other conservative outlet. You won't find much of that bullshit here, what you do will most likely be made fun of.

        Submitted by porksword on Dec 30, 11 at 2:20pm
    • Kiss, kiss... Love you too sweetheart! I dont recall ever mentioning what my sexual history is for you to make such an assessment BUT if being comfortable with my own sexuality and accepting that others have different opinions about sexual boundaries makes me a slut, then it's a title I'll wear with pride!!! If you don't like my comments, move the fuck on!!!

      Submitted by Hedonistic on Dec 30, 11 at 3:24pm
      • ...and that's what I mean when I say I like sluts!!!

        Submitted by porksword on Dec 30, 11 at 3:42pm
        • Ummm... Ok. Thank you? (I think? Not sure if you intended that to be a complement or what.)

          Submitted by Hedonistic on Dec 30, 11 at 8:24pm
    • Judge not, lest ye be judged, ConJol. Everytime you point your judgemental finger at someone else, remember there are three pointing your prejudice back you. Now, go fuck off. Preferably, somewhere else.

      Submitted by SnidelyKWhiplash on Dec 30, 11 at 4:31pm
    • Being open minded doesn't make her a slut but being judgmental makes you a tool. ALL comments are personal opinions. If you don't want to be subjected to them stop going into the comments section. Hedo's first comment was that the guy shouldn't waste his time on that girl. Everything after that was direct Q&A. The exchanges between Hedo and Pork are the best threads. @H&P: When are you gonna hookup?

      Submitted by KITTYLICKNGOOD on Dec 30, 11 at 7:26pm
    • She is NO slut. Leave her be.

      Submitted by LuvvyBoo on Dec 31, 11 at 12:42am
      • Thank you sweetheart. You and Wubb know me more than most. Although I really appreciate the support, the pricks here don't make it worth it...

        Submitted by Hedonistic on Dec 31, 11 at 1:41am
  • To Hedo and your friends, I rarely comment on any posts, but i love reading all of your threads. It's refreshing to see people comfortable with not only their sexuality, but who you are as a person as well. These haters are jealous, simple-minded jackasses, who would never be able to handle a real woman!! They're not worth the time it takes you to reply. So hold your head high, you obviously have many people who feel as i do!!! Keep on keepin on, and thanks for the constant entertainment!!!

    Submitted by Imalover on Dec 31, 11 at 4:41pm