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  • That'd be a lesson you would never forget!

    Submitted by Phys on Jan 26, 12 at 3:25pm
  • Way to keep everything in perspective second OP.

    Submitted by jonathan171 on Jan 27, 12 at 1:01am
  • That's definitely a 'glass half gull's approach.

    Submitted by mmtija on Jan 26, 12 at 3:28pm
  • ND is full of herpes :(

    Submitted by mykittenfriend on Jan 26, 12 at 8:29pm
    • Im assuming youre from ND and you have herpes...?

      Submitted by ahyeah on Jan 26, 12 at 11:15pm
    • it's actually more of western Minnesota that has the herpes.

      Submitted by yelowburd on Jan 26, 12 at 11:50pm
    • to many prudes in this state.. Herpes is non-existent! haha

      Submitted by Blainerrs on Feb 22, 12 at 1:22pm
  • Sounds like Anti-jokes

    Submitted by  on May 7, 12 at 8:34pm
  • Aids sounds far worse than herpes...

    Submitted by GA_Peach on Jan 26, 12 at 6:12pm
    • that's in the other get that if you don't turn your cell off in class

      Submitted by nunubeest on Jan 26, 12 at 9:52pm
  • professor walks over sprays you with a liquid and is all"BAM! YOU GOT THE HERP!"

    Submitted by nunubeest on Jan 26, 12 at 5:09pm
  • I have a friend who actually did walk out of class with herpes... A plushy of the virus that her boyfriend gave her as a joke anniversary gift. Oh, and it was health class.

    Submitted by lostinalaska on Nov 5, 13 at 6:26am