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  • Why is it a whore thing to enjoy being tied up?

    Submitted by grandmasboy on Feb 26, 12 at 2:53pm
    • Ditto, I'm in a committed relationship and get tied up all the time, by a GIRL. :)

      Submitted by HenryS on Feb 26, 12 at 4:55pm
  • Because you aren't going much of anywhere else...

    Submitted by thirrteen on Feb 26, 12 at 11:06am
  • Hey Fuck Off @ WooPigSooie, stop being a emotional bitch!

    Submitted by BrosambaBinLaden on Feb 27, 12 at 3:21am
    • wow really got in your craw didnt i. he who angers you controls you.

      Submitted by woopigsooie on Feb 27, 12 at 8:05am
  • yay morning sex!

    Submitted by TaterTotTibby on Feb 28, 12 at 6:00am
  • I fucking love West Virginia

    Submitted by ShutUpGranny on Mar 1, 12 at 2:00am
  • yay for the kinky whores

    Submitted by woopigsooie on Feb 26, 12 at 11:25am
    • who says this isn't two dudes?

      Submitted by Kevin201 on Feb 26, 12 at 11:37am
      • what if it is? your choice doesnt make it their choice. stick to letting other people live how they want to live and mind your own business.

        Submitted by woopigsooie on Feb 26, 12 at 11:49am
        • holy shit calm get off of your soapbox. You showed you thought OP was a girl, kevin simply suggested it could've been a guy.

          Submitted by SammyiAmmy on Feb 26, 12 at 12:47pm
          • it shouldnt matter or need to be pointed out. too many people try to force their opinion on others.

            Submitted by woopigsooie on Feb 26, 12 at 12:53pm
            • No one was forcing any opinions on anyone. It was just two people. All kinds of people exist. No one can change because you want them to.

              Submitted by latergator811 on Feb 26, 12 at 1:25pm
            • It's funny that the person who keeps telling other people what "should" be is the person saying that "too many people force their opinion on others"

              Submitted by SammyiAmmy on Feb 26, 12 at 1:41pm
          • I think this shit got taken too serious lol.

            Submitted by miss_whit on Feb 26, 12 at 8:03pm