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  • Note to self...avoid more women...have boobs shoved in face...

    Submitted by smittyd04 on Mar 17, 12 at 11:06pm
  • I wish I had this problem

    Submitted by snrks on Mar 17, 12 at 10:50pm
  • That usually works to get a guy's attention. Or his wallet & car keys.

    Submitted by arthurlux on Mar 17, 12 at 11:30pm
  • Exactly what happened to me and an ex who is now married. Sure was hard to walk away when she took my hand to her tit and asked how I like her boob job

    Submitted by stuperfantastic on Mar 18, 12 at 12:03am
    • and you walked away why? you could get some and send her used ass home to someone else and she cant bitch.

      Submitted by woopigsooie on Mar 18, 12 at 12:20am
  • oh Bush Company...

    Submitted by roughNready on Mar 17, 12 at 10:13pm
  • I avoided an ex of two years at a party once at the end of the night she came up and grabbed my dick. We fucked. Morale of the story.. Idk. Get laid at all cost.

    Submitted by nick_m on Mar 18, 12 at 2:52am
  • This is when you beat her and pimp her out.

    Submitted by cfreymarc on Mar 18, 12 at 1:00am
  • "she"

    Submitted by crockpot on Mar 18, 12 at 2:23am
  • Oh moms....

    Submitted by mikey26 on Mar 18, 12 at 12:34am
  • That happened with my cousin and I, then she shoved her clit in my face.. Fun night ;)

    Submitted by PenisVagina on Mar 17, 12 at 11:19pm
  • Woopig i guess I did sound like a g ay without clarifying that she would have gone home and left her hubby for me on the spot, crazy gurl is the reason I don't have a Facebook.

    Submitted by stuperfantastic on Mar 18, 12 at 1:26am