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  • No, my friend, Kentucky is damn courteous.

    Submitted by enormoustard on Mar 26, 12 at 11:46am
  • Southern hospitality at its finest, welcome to my world.

    Submitted by lilkymama on Mar 26, 12 at 11:57am
  • Note to self: visit Kentucky.

    Submitted by Donotdiscard on Mar 26, 12 at 5:37pm
  • That could be the Brown or the Galt House. Prolly the Galt House (that was my job during Derby). No wait, could be the Seelbach. Amanda works there. Not 21c . At least I don't think so. Never stayed there

    Submitted by medwed on Mar 26, 12 at 6:50pm
  • My old Kentucky home...

    Submitted by Burns on Mar 14, 14 at 12:28pm
  • So true, I could write a book on my travels thru KY. Every one is something new and funny.

    Submitted by Beachbum111 on Aug 3, 12 at 10:24pm
  • Gotta love ky.

    Submitted by PorkSniffer on Mar 26, 12 at 6:46pm
  • Yea it's pretty great down here plus we just won the NCAA championships. Wooooooo go cats

    Submitted by spanking_monkeys on Apr 3, 12 at 6:13pm
  • Use process of elimination: 1: It had a legit bellhop. That eliminates all but like three hotels.\n2: This guy apparently slips it to everyone. There's no way he hasn't been caught yet. Therefor, it must be a hotel that would profit from high people with the munchies wandering around the hotel. This means it's got to be the Brown. How many hot browns are you going to sell to storers? A shiton man, a shiton

    Submitted by 1337ist on Mar 27, 12 at 7:33am
  • What hotel in what city?? I HAVE TO KNOW!!!

    Submitted by Trippin_96 on Mar 26, 12 at 6:18pm