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  • So marriage?

    Submitted by parsons41286 on Mar 31, 12 at 9:48am
    • Marriage gives you zero access. If anything it's even more heavily regulated than when you're single.

      Submitted by haliganbar on Mar 31, 12 at 12:25pm
      • No that is a bad marriage. Once the ring is on her, she cooks, cleans and fucks at the man's will. Anything else, kick her to the curb and find a girl that does.

        Submitted by cfreymarc on Apr 1, 12 at 3:36am
        • Screw that! Whatever happened to equal partnerships? I'd rather be a single girl taking care of me if that's your offer.

          Submitted by erisblake on Apr 1, 12 at 4:15am
          • When you chose to become a woman, that is when it stopped being equal.

            Submitted by cfreymarc on Apr 2, 12 at 3:42am
  • who wouldn't want a sugar mama like this (assuming OP is a girl)?

    Submitted by Kevin201 on Mar 31, 12 at 11:09am
    • p.s. this is sarcasm for those douchetards who don't recognize it...

      Submitted by Kevin201 on Mar 31, 12 at 2:23pm
  • *head for the hills*

    Submitted by mobprincess on Mar 31, 12 at 10:36am
  • Is the OP a girl or guy?? I'm assuming its got to be a guy. A chick wouldn't say "reproductive organs" She was say pussy or vagina. Those words work much better as an incentive for guys because those are pretty much the only words we would her during that offer..

    Submitted by DonkeyLipps on Mar 31, 12 at 8:56pm
  • Oh, so she gets to find food for you AND cook it? Who could refuse that?!

    Submitted by Pokeysaurus on Mar 31, 12 at 4:35pm
  • Marriage. Interesting proposal.

    Submitted by birdofparadise on Mar 31, 12 at 11:37am
  • If a girl offered me this I'm in. But just for a semester or two lol

    Submitted by pureboredom on Mar 31, 12 at 1:53pm