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  • NEW PLAN: Learn to be comfortable with your sexuality, and ditch the panties.

    Submitted by Hedonistic on May 8, 12 at 2:54pm
  • Newer plan: grow the fuck up. If you can't be around another human being without screwing them then you shouldn't be around anyone.

    Submitted by haliganbar on May 8, 12 at 4:51pm
    • That would mean you'd NEVER have sex. :-/ Sorry, your plan SUCKS!

      Submitted by Hedonistic on May 8, 12 at 5:17pm
  • Why don't you want to bang that guy? And if you don't, why are you hanging out with him?

    Submitted by NYCdood on May 8, 12 at 2:09pm
    • God forbid a girl has male friends. How ever will the world survive?

      Submitted by correctinator on May 10, 12 at 1:20pm
  • Well damn......that's an old trick

    Submitted by FreakyAssLeo on Jun 5, 12 at 10:23am
  • Been there. Next time employee a friend to be a cockblock. She'll have to be aggressive and comfortable with being called a bitch. :)

    Submitted by juunebug on May 8, 12 at 5:59pm
  • Pretty sure this came up on an episode of seinfeld or something

    Submitted by nitro420 on Mar 2, 13 at 2:13pm
  • I'm surprised your face didn't turn him away.

    Submitted by ! on May 8, 12 at 7:09pm
  • slut

    Submitted by roadhead101 on May 8, 12 at 11:07pm