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  • Yeah cause it's not like your blood relocates or anything. Erections are magical and come from another dimension.

    Submitted by WesPip on May 16, 12 at 3:39pm
  • either your scale is broken...or you're full of shit. \n\nI'm going with the second one, myself.

    Submitted by firefightersipes on May 16, 12 at 1:08pm
  • It only works that way if it's someone else's erection.

    Submitted by porksword on May 16, 12 at 7:26pm
  • I want to know what the difference in weight is

    Submitted by aced220 on May 16, 12 at 12:15pm
  • Wearing a strap on doesn't count as having an erection

    Submitted by UniqueNordic on May 17, 12 at 8:13pm
  • 500 men just tried this....

    Submitted by shaveydavey on May 16, 12 at 10:34pm
  • Same amount o blood in your body just relocated reccaliberate your scale and try again should be the same

    Submitted by theFungusAmongUs on May 16, 12 at 7:25pm
  • The earth does weigh more now than it did 200 years ago... People being born is different than the amount of blood in your body. You don't create more blood when you get hard. However, people are created, therefore, the earth can gain weight. Getting wood, sorry, no weight gained. The OP is dumb

    Submitted by DonkeyLipps on May 23, 12 at 8:54am
    • I agree with your conclusion, but your premise is wrong. Meteorite strikes and such have led to Earth gaining mass over time. Living things grow and reproduce because they eat things. The same amount of material, just in different forms.

      Submitted by DerKarismatisch on Jul 4, 12 at 6:45pm
  • both, you sick dimented fuck! nah just kidding

    Submitted by MikeyPoolee on May 16, 12 at 1:18pm
  • A hundred pounds of feathers weighs the same as one hundred pounds of dirt

    Submitted by theFungusAmongUs on May 16, 12 at 7:26pm
  • Quit overanalyzing this and let funny be funny. It might not be the most hilarious or jaw dropping text but I think it's worth a chuckle or two :)

    Submitted by Chaparita on May 17, 12 at 1:18am
  • Your comments cracked me up way more then the text. Well done tfln.

    Submitted by xxpinkxx on Aug 26, 12 at 1:03pm
  • I have very little faith in your use of the scientific method.

    Submitted by TheDude on May 16, 12 at 3:50pm
  • That's like saying the Earth weighs more than it did 200 years ago because there are more people. Magical people that come from another dimension.

    Submitted by kevxster on May 16, 12 at 6:51pm
    • You weighed the earth 200 years ago? Impressive sure

      Submitted by 830_210 on May 18, 12 at 1:41pm