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  • Breaking up right when summer starts: Great idea. \nHaving a wedding in December: Who does that..?

    Submitted by shaveydavey on May 18, 12 at 10:59am
    • I had a wedding in Dec. It was great. was able to plan it at the laat minute and had our choice of everything, as no one was booked. the church and country club had xmas decorations that were beautifull, there was a nice light snow falling. I highly recomend it

      Submitted by bbad on May 18, 12 at 4:47pm
    • december weddings are ridicilous, old friend of mine got married in yosemite in the snow, shit was cold as hell

      Submitted by slammin211s on May 19, 12 at 3:01pm
  • This could possibly be the greatest thing I've read all day

    Submitted by pinkispretty on May 18, 12 at 5:39pm
  • FTW!

    Submitted by CrazyManNo9 on May 18, 12 at 10:43am
  • Dick.

    Submitted by friedbunnies on May 21, 12 at 11:23am
  • Remember to break up with her with a text pic and another girl around your arm.

    Submitted by cfreymarc on May 19, 12 at 2:39am
  • Inf lulz

    Submitted by karate1974 on May 18, 12 at 1:54pm