Our friendship would be less complicated if your dad didn't think I was forcing you into having gay sex with me
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I've been there before, buddy...
I don't know how much bromance is going on here, but it sounds like the dad doth protest too much. Is *he* the closeted party in this scenario?
well next time don't bring your 7ft boyfriend home
Hmmm stinks that you dads judgmental that way
Nothing like that awkward moment when you date someone 1/2 your age and then finally have to meet his family, they know he is out so, no mystery here!
R-shack. With a noose around you preferably.
Straight people get over yourselves or go back to 1930s where equality is not present
All I hear with this post is a banjo and "now, squeal like a pig"
"Forcing" him into it? What kind of dad thinks their son is getting r@ped and doesn't kill the guy?
You go for it
Your friendship would be less complicated if you weren't two disgusting q ueers. Go see a damn shrink about being molested as a kid instead of putting cocks in places nature didn't intend.
Go jump off a high bridge into shallow water. k Thanks
You're fucking dumb.
Sounds like it would be less complicated if you weren't a faggg
sounds like life would be easier for you if you stopped being such a bitch
Fags will burn
you are so right! cigarettes get smoked in Britain all the time! ...idiot
hahah hell yeah!
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