To be clear, the next time I wake up with your dick inside me, I will reach down and grab one and squeeze until it pops like a grape. You've been warned.
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To be clear, next time I'll buy my roofy's from a more reputable dealer.
You're not a "Morning" person are you...
I hate to be the fun police, but this is technically raep. She has every right to do what she has threatened to do.
Let's be clear, you need to quit getting drunk with him
He wants to pop his nut, but not like that!
How does this happen? Not having woken up/felt someone putting their penis inside you??
Hot dog down a hallway?
Cocktail weenie?
tictac to a whale?
To be clear this is my favourite way to wake up. Better than coffee and it puts me in a fantastic mood.
Maybe that is just what woke her up..
Lets be clear, your large gaping hole is a huge disappointment.
Seriously, this beezy had to be hella loose!
It's not r4pe if you yell surprise first. Then we call it, surprise sex.
@liquidgenius pretty sure she's talking about his balls.. Just a guess
Date raep, ur doin it wrong
Yeah dude it's getting to be G@y
Grab one? He has two dicks?
You've nevah woken up at ah pahdy and some guy was inside of you?
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