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  • Take her to lots of different places with cute girls. They'll see you are dateable, and have game. Soon you can change girlfriends.

    Submitted by stan_mcginnis on Jan 11, 15 at 4:39pm
  • If she can order you around like that before the ring is on, you won't wear the pants afterward. Call her bluff. Plenty of other girls out there.

    Submitted by cfreymarc on Jan 11, 15 at 9:22am
  • BTW, see you at the strip club on Feb. 15.

    Submitted by 90trunk on Jan 11, 15 at 7:00am
  • give her a ring pop. might as well go out with a bang. ;-)

    Submitted by 8=✊=>💨😜 on Jan 11, 15 at 12:27pm
  • You won't be the only guy to get that ultimatum. DTMFA

    Submitted by 90trunk on Jan 11, 15 at 6:53am
  • Nick? Molly? Whoop whoop!

    Submitted by mrdesrtegl on Jan 12, 15 at 10:03pm