You're definitely not an aggie you pussy! Dunked my ring in 11 seconds. Why don't you wait till you have something impressive before you brag about it rook
It probably isn't a lie. I go to Texas A&M University and we have a tradition when we get our class ring: we dunk it in a pitcher of beer and chug it to get it out. I chugged my pitcher (5 beers) in 32 seconds. One of my friends did it in 17.
LIVER PROBLEMS ARE FOR COOL PEOPLE! i love how people still think that how fast they can drink, or how much they can drink, makes them cool.... time to grow up high schoolers... you'll realize once you hit the real world, you drink to have fun, not drink to be a horse's ass
OP, I don't think the word "chugging" is an accurate assessment of what you did...based on your time, it seems more likely that you were sipping the beer out of the pitcher.
Totally weak YouTube aggie ring dunk, people have done it in 17 seconds lie! But I definitely have girlfriends that did it in way under a min.
"Americans guys are all babies drinking 2 or 3% percent light beers. Go to any other country that has real beer and you'll end up barfing on your bf's dick crying for obama. hahaha"
Fuck you and your dark beers. Liquor is for getting drunk, beer is just a cheap way of maintaining. Shots, shooters, tumblers, and nice strong mixed drinks are where its at.
look up "6 pack in under 7 seconds" on youtube, this kid funnels a six pack in >7 seconds. It's ridiculous. I've seen him funnel two 40s at once, chug a pitcher in 12 seconds, funnel half of a liter of vodka, and drink over 2 liters of vodka in a night. Kid is insane.
Im surprised July 21, 2009 1:35AM is even in collage since she can't spell sophomore.
I usually hate it when people correct spelling but I just had to do it.
Anyways...42 seconds here. And Im a girl.
do a BIG 10 40 in under a minute and keep drinking long necks the rest of the night and we'll talk, leads to a sick fucking night (what you can remember, that is)
I've drank 3 beers in 9 seconds (oh, to be young again). I don't think a pitcher would take much longer than 20 or so. If the beer is really cold, you might need a second to shake off the brain freeze.
3:22, I think it's hilarious that you're calling someone out for spelling sophomore incorrectly when you spelled college as "collage", no wonder you claim to hate people that correct spelling.
YES I was drunk.
YES I am a dude.
YES it was 69 secs.
YES it was my fourth pitcher in about 2 hours.
NO I do not think I am anywhere near the fastest, but it was my first time and I was happy so suck it.
yeah that is actually not that quick, good job though.
I have an Irish friend who has drinking problems and I watch him do 16oz glasses in one gulp (2-3 seconds) it is unreal, I cannot even lift the glass off the bar and he is finished.
Might be a bad trait though...
I'll gladly let non American countries say they are better at drinking then us. Way to aspire to a real goal in life. Just means we have better priorities than you.
8:23 STFU Americans don't drink like other countries why are getting so pissed?! Stats show that over here "binge drinking" is 6 or more drinks, and in other counties its 10 or more.
10:32 Awww are you upset I called your mom a herpes infested hooker? Quick, go get the Johnson and Johnson's No More Tears shampoo. That'll fix the BAWWWWing.
Americans guys are all babies drinking 2 or 3% percent light beers. Go to any other country that has real beer and you'll end up barfing on your bf's dick crying for obama. hahaha
10:23 I need to correct you on a few points there: Yes, your mom gave me herpes but I didn't pay her. Also, my penis is so huge I tie it around my waist as a belt when not in use (read: not banging your hooker mom)
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