That level of neurosis does not find love outside of Grey's Anatomy.
So when does "going out for one drink" = giving some guy an HJ on the sidewalk?!?
i have no concept of time, i feel my nose, and im seeing everything in bitty hexagons.
I feel so grown up. I just went to home depot to buy actual home improvement supplies instead of stuff to make a bong with.
First off, get on bc solely in preperation for this event. Second, as my little sister you have a lot of whore to live up to.
He is just lying there. People are throwing money onto his chest as they walk by...
After 3 dates I think I'm failing at painting the "sweet guy with a future" picture and more painting the "this is the guy to call when you've run out of options and want to get fucked in half drunk to forget about it" picture.
I swear god is testing me by giving me awesome guys with tiny penises
I misjudged the power of my pelvic thrusting capabilities. His nose is broken. Thoughts?
I pulled up iMessage on my computer and I'm pretty sure two people in my class saw that dick pic you sent. Sorry!
I have this vague feeling that I was involved in a dance off with a homeless man?
Don't worry my mom is buying me a vasectomy for Christmas
I’m not closing myself off the to the possibility of making a bad life choice.
You wouldn't put pants on to see my parents.
YOU'D BE LIKE A MERMAID! I'll bring you coffee filters to cover your tits.