Exactly how deep of a burn should you have when you pee before becoming legitimately concerned?
Eventually evolution will just give us a better liver anyway, so our great great grandkids should THANK us for our binge drinking.
hey remember that 14 year old i met 5 years ago who i said i would bang 5 years from then?
im just sayin im driving an hr to pick her up, just cause shes your gf doesnt mean i shouldnt be entitled to a bj
Found out why they call her Halfpipe Jenny-NOT the cool reason we thought
Can you tell me how this chicken finger got in my pillow case?
Also yeah I would definitely have to say that one of my favorite things to do is to get high and pet cats.
Just saw a hooker eating a pastrami sandwich walking down beach blvd blowing kisses to traffic. My day = made
Suppose hypothetically u received a request for face time communication with a gentleman who looked astonishingly like a penis. Would you indulge him in conversation? Hypothetically of course.
Goodbye spring break, hello depressing video on AIDS.
I remember telling you that I think Taylor Swift has stolen my essence. I still think that's true.
WTF I can't even get a boyfriend here and you're getting nudes from across the country
I think I'm so comfortable in my sexual relationship because he mostly wants to see me naked with large plates of bacon tastefully placed upon my body
Being forward is somethimes a problems. Like in sexual deity Kong.
I think you’re losing coherence.
I am
I'm not having sex with him if he doesn't believe in gay marriage and abortions.