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  • Here's what happened: You got drunk, decided that you had this burning desire to color. You then proceeded to break into the local elementary school. Upon entry you failed to find the 2nd grade classroom, because only 2nd grade would do. Exited said school when you heard sirens screaming "To the jungle gym! They'll never find us in the jungle!" While running in the moderate blackness of 3am you got caught on a swingset, stumbled face-first into fake fire truck and were knocked unconsc

    Submitted by budleno on Mar 18, 10 at 8:51am
  • Hmmm sounds like part of the hangover....

    Submitted by codii on Mar 18, 10 at 11:04am
  • You tried to jump off the bridge that goes over the entrance to City Walk so they caught you, walked you over the escalator where you proceded to fall down them. X

    Submitted by shawty101 on Mar 18, 10 at 2:37pm
  • As a non-American, i'm curious how common the fake id thing is

    Submitted by amonymous on Mar 18, 10 at 11:43am
    • Common enough. They don't fool anyone important, but if it's just a bouncer in low lighting they usually do the trick. All you need is one guy in a thousand who owns a laminator, good printer, and right type of plastic.

      Submitted by Florida_pride on May 15, 12 at 1:29pm
      • I.D.s in Oz aren't laminated, they're on credit card plastic. A bit harder to reproduce...

        Submitted by thisfox on Feb 18, 13 at 1:47am
  • Way to stay classy, Orlando.

    Submitted by andreasor on Mar 18, 10 at 8:30am
  • watched the hangover, that's what.

    Submitted by Crash on Mar 18, 10 at 4:23pm
  • You should be more careful OT. You almost Corey Haimed yourself. \n\nGet well soon.

    Submitted by maskedman on Mar 18, 10 at 8:49am
  • Stole the idea from the hangover This is stupid

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 18, 10 at 1:11pm
  • Off hangover fail..... First

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 18, 10 at 8:05am
  • That's an awesome fake, my man.

    Submitted by SgtInsurgent on Mar 18, 10 at 4:35pm
  • probably watched the hangover.

    Submitted by Crash on Mar 18, 10 at 4:20pm
  • went to comment FAKE but budleno omg that made me laugh haha

    Submitted by lovejager32 on Mar 18, 10 at 11:15am
  • Ok this is what happened you were jaywalking I hit you and keptvon driving cuz it was your fault that you cannot walk where you are suppose to

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 18, 10 at 9:37am
  • Every person in America gasses a fake id

    Submitted by lmaomt on Apr 14, 10 at 11:02am
  • Kill yourself

    Submitted by 7158536501 on Apr 24, 11 at 6:09am

    Submitted by ceewheelZ on Mar 18, 10 at 8:07am