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  • Wow...I got this line about a month ago!!! Feel like an ass now!

    Submitted by samibear11 on Mar 28, 10 at 10:11am
  • Dude this affects us nationwide! What are we gonna tell the girls now? Posting it here was a bad idea; goddammit

    Submitted by izee on Mar 28, 10 at 2:34pm
  • I have fallen for this way too many times. Dammit I thought I was special :(

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 28, 10 at 10:23am
  • i had a guy use this line on me... i told him if he was so concerned about getting off he could do it himself.

    Submitted by ncjlwdc0109 on Mar 28, 10 at 10:12am
  • And I just thought I was incredible at head...damnit.

    Submitted by leahhhhh on Mar 28, 10 at 12:09pm
  • Thanks for ruining it for all guys now asshole

    Submitted by JewYork on Mar 28, 10 at 2:32pm
  • Dude you idiot, you can't post the best trick in the book on the internet. If this fucks it up for me I'm blaming you.

    Submitted by doomsauced on Mar 29, 10 at 2:03am
  • respek.

    Submitted by ownowbrowncow on Mar 28, 10 at 9:46am
  • Now I can't use that line anymore. From men everywhere, screw you

    Submitted by TheMichael on Mar 28, 10 at 9:39pm
  • The only way a guy could actually have real difficulty coming from a blow job is if he never learned to masturbate properly and thus uses a death grip. Back to the text, if it keeps working, keep using that line.

    Submitted by Lauren_FTW on Mar 28, 10 at 9:55am
  • "the only way a guy could have trouble coming from a blow job is if he never learned to masutrbate properly..."\n\nOr if the girl gives horrible head. Unfortunately, been there.

    Submitted by ausjt on Mar 28, 10 at 10:08am
  • Gotta love Raleigh!

    Submitted by wonderfulone on Mar 28, 10 at 12:46pm
  • While it's a great line, I truly never had gotten off from a BJ before, and the chick who had got me off for the first time (Just recently), who didn't like to give head that much before, now LOVES sucking my cock! So, if it doesn't work out with her, I'll definitely be using it again!\n\nWhat's the harm in a little fib that gives the girl an ego boost and the guy some epic blowjobs?

    Submitted by Itsnoah on Sep 10, 10 at 5:35am
    • That being said, the OP shouldn't be busting heads like this on TFLN! It won't work if chick's don't buy it ya ass!

      Submitted by Itsnoah on Sep 10, 10 at 5:38am
  • I have a 100% sucess rate... I always hav something to swallow :)

    Submitted by sufrrgrll on Mar 29, 10 at 3:36pm
  • Greatness !!!!

    Submitted by larryMango on May 31, 10 at 6:16pm
  • it doesnt give us a goal the goal is always to make you cum and its always an accomplishment when you do because if you cant make him cum you feel like a failure. So thanks for lying but we dont need it. if she gave you head after you told her that she was probably going to give you head before you said that. Im tired of guys saying this to me.

    Submitted by JenamoR4 on Mar 29, 10 at 12:53am
  • I hate you

    Submitted by mgv5 on Mar 29, 10 at 9:59am
  • That is actually genius

    Submitted by lauralw99 on Mar 28, 10 at 5:06pm
  • You stupid son of a bitch....thank you

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 29, 10 at 4:40am
  • Oh no!! That line always works on me

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 28, 10 at 3:00pm
  • Wow No I have a whole new reason to not trust men and doubt my bj skills. :(

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 28, 10 at 6:14pm
  • OP is a fa990t for spilling the beans on this trick

    Submitted by sparklingwiggles on Mar 28, 10 at 8:26pm
  • Dude that always works

    Submitted by mexital420 on Mar 28, 10 at 9:07pm
  • Anonymous 10:08, no one said you were a whore. I believe the actual reason is that you have never and will never meet either person in this text.

    Submitted by Garner on Mar 28, 10 at 10:26am
  • GENIOUS! blow J's for all!

    Submitted by durty on Mar 29, 10 at 6:53am
  • 26 for 27 with that line :)

    Submitted by jcloone on Mar 28, 10 at 9:21pm
  • Haha damn I definitely got this line once and thought I was the SHIT for getting him off.. It was back when we were 18 though, so maybe it was true? who knows

    Submitted by mystomachurts on Mar 28, 10 at 12:21pm
  • Thanks for ruining it

    Submitted by SumoBob on Mar 28, 10 at 5:49pm
  • U ruined it dickhead

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 30, 10 at 4:59pm
  • Is it the same when guys tell you you give better head than other girls?

    Submitted by blueeyedbetty on Aug 22, 11 at 4:29pm
  • I've truly never came from a bj because every girl i've ever got dome from was horrible at it.

    Submitted by RAAAAAAAANDY on Mar 28, 10 at 1:27pm
  • haha, I've had dudes try this line (usually just the borderline narcissists/douches)...but I've never believed it. I'll let them think I do though. Chances are, I'm using them as much as they think they're using me too. Win/Win.

    Submitted by youwhaaaaaaat on Mar 31, 10 at 6:07pm
  • It's great how this is, always looks

    Submitted by Dboyd85 on Mar 28, 10 at 3:59pm
  • Those 9 bitches r whores

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 28, 10 at 5:08pm
  • "cummed"? you are truly retarded

    Submitted by wilyum on Mar 30, 10 at 1:02pm
  • Tried using this on my wife.... i have still yet to do so.

    Submitted by TheJDByrnes on Mar 28, 10 at 6:43pm
  • This is the best thing ever!:)

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 28, 10 at 5:09pm
  • I have a new idol now lmao

    Submitted by somethinsexy27 on Mar 28, 10 at 12:23pm
  • Dude that always works lol

    Submitted by mexital420 on Mar 28, 10 at 9:06pm
  • It's funny bc it's true. My ex pulled this on me. Men lie.

    Submitted by lassie on Apr 2, 10 at 6:22pm
  • works like a champ

    Submitted by LSU4Lif3 on Mar 30, 10 at 12:15am
  • Ohhh you tell me

    Submitted by amcgarrah on Mar 29, 10 at 12:27am
  • damn why did you tell the world now it will never work for me again!

    Submitted by TheWrangler on Mar 29, 10 at 4:52am
  • Wtf!!? That's a LINE!??? :( I thought I was that good too :(

    Submitted by blondecanuck on Aug 17, 11 at 7:01pm
  • That's no lie......this line has NEVER failed!!

    Submitted by skoal_diddy on Nov 25, 12 at 1:32pm
  • Haha. Hahahahahaha. This site is full of things that are some combination of amusing and f'd up but this takes the cake. Remember, folks, it's not what someone says after the act, but what they're screaming during it that'll tell you how you're doing. And if you get to swallow something, how you compare to others is irrelevant because you've damn well completed your mission and if they want something better they can go grovel before whoever gave it to them and leave you to find

    Submitted by LickinChickin on Mar 29, 10 at 5:09am
  • My bf said that to me too....i didn't give him head

    Submitted by 343 on Mar 28, 10 at 7:03pm
  • Yur an ass cuz obviously those 9 are naive and stupid.

    Submitted by caelcaeldace on Mar 28, 10 at 12:54pm
  • Fml I fell for this one! I know now..

    Submitted by minkeee on Feb 6, 11 at 12:53pm
  • .....that's a line. Crap. :(

    Submitted by Alice on Mar 28, 10 at 7:33pm
  • Hey I can't talk right now cops r here

    Submitted by wilmateo on Mar 28, 10 at 1:52pm
  • Oh wow...was this Van Assen??

    Submitted by Yankees01 on Mar 29, 10 at 2:46pm
  • U would think with that kinda of imagination u would be able to get a job and get out of ur parents basement u 40 year old loser.

    Submitted by cwelkman on Mar 28, 10 at 2:49pm
  • I've never came*

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 28, 10 at 5:37pm
  • Duke. This has to be duke. They're all a bunch of whores there.

    Submitted by hannahcowgirl on Feb 25, 11 at 10:26pm
  • Epic!

    Submitted by ctolaf on Mar 29, 10 at 4:52am
  • Lol I'm testing that line

    Submitted by akaA1EX on Mar 29, 10 at 2:05am
  • Raaallleeiiiggghhhh dude who is this? I live in the 919

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 28, 10 at 10:34am
  • Oh god who falls for that shit?!?? Seriously!! You could never make me fall for something that rediculous. Every guy I've ever blown has cum within 2 min.

    Submitted by photofilly31 on Mar 28, 10 at 10:29am
  • I wouldn't suck ur dick cuz I'm not a whore

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 28, 10 at 10:08am
    • He's from Raleigh area though...there are a lot of whores around here. Making us proud. Haha

      Submitted by wolfpackchick10 on Mar 28, 10 at 10:23am
  • Photofilly are you a guy?

    Submitted by amonymous on Mar 28, 10 at 11:49am
  • Alright so 9 times in one night seems like a lot, but I sure hope it's not 9 times in YOUR LIFE - that'd just be sad :(

    Submitted by jklawl on Mar 28, 10 at 8:42pm