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  • i once spent 30 minutes staring at an overhanging branch from a tree above my head being amazed at how 3D it looked

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 13, 09 at 12:21am
  • this is by far the best one. ever stopped at stop signs before, waiting for them to turn green?

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 14, 09 at 12:52am
    • No..but I thought it would change and read "GO"

      Submitted by Lynn1234 on Mar 19, 10 at 3:26am
    • I made my boyfriend turnaround because I was certain someone left a crystal pepper mill on the side of the road. Yea...turns out it was a liter bottle without a label that had been run over...but in my defense, it did shimmer.

      Submitted by jeaniec on May 8, 11 at 10:36pm
  • DUDE that same thing happened to me but it was a leaf that i thought was a banana peel after playing mario kart.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 13, 09 at 2:29am
  • And people say that pot heads aren't safe on the roads. If your kid looks anything like a kid, or sometimes even nothing at all like a kid, they are safe on high roads. LOL

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 13, 09 at 9:56am
  • Hahahaha i appreciate anyone who would stop to let a hedgehog cross the street

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 13, 09 at 9:52am
  • Thank you, you made me smile.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 8, 09 at 1:53pm
  • it's okay. i stopped to let a penguin cross the road. i live in california.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 24, 09 at 2:35am
  • this is the first one to actually make me laugh out loud!!! love it!!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 30, 09 at 4:39pm
  • holy shit.. i think you are a girl i dated

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 13, 09 at 9:04pm
  • Hey, my hedgehog didn't come home last night.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 15, 09 at 1:20am
  • that just made my day. i dont care wut happens now, all i have to do is think of this and ill b rolling

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 29, 09 at 4:48pm
  • I seriously do this all the time...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 22, 09 at 2:49am
  • this is HILARIOUS. dont drive high...but seeing hedgehog pinecones is classic.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 12, 09 at 10:58pm
  • I just LOL and I can't stop! That was great!

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 14, 09 at 2:23am
  • this is my area code. I'm pretty sure we've met.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 12, 09 at 10:11pm
  • bahahahaha I totally know who that is

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 13, 09 at 2:51pm

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 30, 09 at 2:56pm
  • omg so funny. i actually had a convo with lawn flamingos once. but this shit is hilarious!

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 12, 09 at 10:42pm
  • really?? sure it wasn't magic fungi?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 30, 09 at 9:50am
  • I totally feel you I onced slamed my breaks and almost wrecked while stopping for a cat that turned out to be a branch of a tree

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 4, 10 at 12:35am
  • I think this is my sister. Damnit.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 13, 09 at 10:34am
    • hey u think im your sister? whats your name? or what you think my name is

      Submitted by cupcake101 on Feb 16, 13 at 10:25pm
  • Fuck you, 10:04

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 12, 10 at 4:01pm

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 12, 09 at 7:49pm
  • Win

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 22, 10 at 12:04am
  • LMFAO...this may be the best one ever! hahahaha just where the hell have you EVER seen a hedgehog cross the road?! hahahahaha

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 28, 09 at 11:18pm
  • Oh my fuck..that is hilarious!!! Nice of you to watch out for Sonic the Pinecone like that..

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 8, 09 at 1:51pm
  • i brake for pinecones

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 3, 09 at 8:22pm
  • I'm alone in my house and actually burst out laughing when I read this, and my dog just looked at me with this 'get a life' face.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 16, 09 at 2:13pm
  • how about I had reoccuring love convo with traffic cones, I even accused it of cheating on me..... Goodddd tiimmmess <3

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 13, 09 at 12:10am
  • LOL I love it...back in high school i was driving stoned with my girl and it was raining, and all of these leaves were being swept around on the curb all up and down the road, and we thought that there were thousands of frogs hopping around in the rain...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 3, 09 at 12:11pm
  • aaaahahaha omg. I can't. stop. laughing.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 12, 09 at 9:55pm
  • I once saw a ninja turtle slipper turned upside down on the road and turned around and then attempted to save the perceived turtle... Until I found that it was in fact a slipper. And I was stone cold sober...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 20, 09 at 9:44pm
  • About a month ago I was ripped and thought that I almost hit a 2 foot tall version of the Notre Dame mascot.. and nothing was there. Miiiiight have been laced.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 9, 09 at 1:06pm
  • you are my new hero. i'm STILL laughing!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 29, 09 at 3:23pm
  • I remember walking home high and stopping at a stopsign waiting for it to turn green. I eventually just sat down and waited for like 10 minuts until I realized it wasn't going to turn green and I didn't need to stop anyway.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 18, 09 at 11:06pm
  • hahahah yeah i did the same thing except it was a pile of leaves. and they were a family of toads.. haha

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 14, 09 at 10:12pm
  • this just totally made my night!! hahaha!

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 13, 09 at 1:24am

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 7, 09 at 10:46pm
  • OMFG that was good stuff....thanks for that

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 29, 09 at 4:51pm
  • I was high and thought my dog and sister were having a conversation. Neither of them were home.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 22, 09 at 4:01pm
  • Driving high isn't that dangerous, from my experience you drive slower! And apparently look out for "animals". I love this TFLN it's in my favorites now! Lmao!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 2, 09 at 3:52am
  • HAHAHAHAHA i just laughed for 5 minutes straight

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 26, 09 at 12:45am
  • Definately been driving before and I swear, there was a cow in the HOV lane in downtown dallas. Makes you wonder what that shit was laced with. c;

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 1, 09 at 3:22am
  • That's some funie shit bro.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 5, 09 at 5:01pm
  • hahaha, exact same thing... except me and my friend got out of my car cause we thought I hit the hedgehog.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 31, 09 at 3:00am
  • I feel like this could possibly be one of my friends...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 3, 09 at 10:52pm
  • I was driving so baked with my friends when I stopped at a railroad crossing. They were all yelling "what are you doing, why did you stop? Keep going!" My response: "um, that's dangerous! The arms are down and the lights are blinking!!!" But ya... there was no train after all.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 8, 09 at 12:43pm
  • Lol! That's hilarious xD

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 3, 09 at 2:44pm
  • can we please be friends? thats so funny. damn i need to smoke again.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 27, 09 at 9:44am
  • This is the best thing I've read on tfln

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 11, 09 at 9:38pm
  • HAHAHAHA. that's the best one i've heard so far

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 26, 09 at 8:39pm
  • Nice job, you irresponsable dick. So glad it's not my area code.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 25, 09 at 7:55pm
  • Pot heads ARE safe drivers...I told my mom and she didn't believe me

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 12, 09 at 4:39pm
  • Dude what the hell this hedgehog is so slow :(

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 5, 09 at 5:32pm
  • loved this! priceless good belly ache laugh - reminds me of old times.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 9, 09 at 7:36pm

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 28, 09 at 8:19pm
  • Roflmao I am laughing so hard right now. You just made my day

    Submitted by mdo556 on Jun 30, 10 at 2:42am
  • I've let flagpoles be traffic directors many a time in my day

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 30, 09 at 5:53pm
  • dude you're the man, i do this shit all the time hahahah

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 29, 09 at 6:38pm
  • The Bernie Madoff Hedgefund Hog pinecone?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 13, 09 at 1:08am
  • 6:28 will you go out with me? my hero

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 26, 09 at 1:45am
  • 939 you ever drive a wave runner high

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 26, 09 at 9:53pm
  • don't think i've ever been that stoned. but damn am i jealous.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 18, 09 at 4:36am
  • I have let a lot of leaves cross the road thinking they were frogs.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 25, 09 at 8:25pm
  • I've done this! Not with a pinecone but instead with roadkill

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 29, 09 at 2:48pm
  • LMFAO ! ! This one made me snort....can't stop laughing...lmao

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 6, 09 at 3:38pm
  • at 1:41, how is that obviously fake...? your not like a expert so you can leave please

    Submitted by LOVELIFEE on Mar 8, 10 at 4:22pm
  • this is by far my fav tfln ever

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 8, 09 at 9:50pm
  • 919 is north carolina

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 26, 10 at 2:19am
  • lol I know who this person is And it was hilarious when they told me about it at school.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 28, 09 at 10:59pm
  • Hahahaha I drive a LOT safer when I'm high .... usually I drive fast with the music blasting, but when I'm high, I don't like super loud music, and drive a LOT slower .... to the point of stopping like, 50 feet in front of a red light lmfao !

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 6, 09 at 1:52pm
  • holy shit! story of my life maybe?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 29, 09 at 3:46pm
  • i love north carolina

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 31, 09 at 7:33pm
  • Haahahhaha this is some funny asssss sjiittttt

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 31, 09 at 12:32am
  • god i cant stop fucking laughing ^.^ i <3 919!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 3, 09 at 3:03am
  • In soviet russia pinecone lets you cross road

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 31, 10 at 1:00pm
  • hahahahahahahahahhahaha!!!!!!!

    Submitted by charles1996 on Aug 2, 11 at 11:09pm
  • This story just made my night. Thank you.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 8, 10 at 11:34pm
  • It's Alwayse fun gettin blazed durin a midnight Drive you never no wat happins

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 1, 09 at 9:47pm
  • seriously fantastic. my favorite.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 5, 09 at 5:36pm
  • yeah seriously ditto everything everyone said times 100000000 that's fucking funny. ROFL

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 28, 09 at 4:12pm
  • greatest thing ive ever read

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 23, 09 at 2:47am
  • omg the craziest shizz happens web yur hi

    Submitted by dizancer on Apr 21, 10 at 6:19pm
  • Yes!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 20, 10 at 3:01am
  • Gotta love the hedgehogs.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 25, 09 at 12:16am
  • I want whatever you're smoking

    Submitted by jaal on Jul 1, 10 at 1:19pm
  • I saved this one in my favorites because I thought it was fucking amazing, I just looked back like a month later

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 31, 09 at 8:58am
  • hahah! one time i let a tree cross the road. and there was a human running beside my car? HA

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 7, 09 at 6:28pm
  • If we had hedgehogs in Louisiana I'd prolly woulda done that a few times. I swerved a walmart bag n almost wrecked while high. Idk wut I thought it was though.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 17, 09 at 7:44pm
  • PETA would be proud, lmao.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 7, 09 at 10:21am
  • Thts fake as fuck

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 20, 10 at 1:41pm
    • you've obviously never driven high. this is highly plausible— you've got to be careful after all!

      Submitted by jurk on Mar 22, 10 at 10:43pm
  • How could you even see a pine cone in the dark ?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 25, 09 at 9:21pm
  • hahahaha fucking AWESOME....

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 7, 09 at 1:38pm
  • Marry me? I just laughed the whole way reading down all the comments. And i havent stopped

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 14, 09 at 8:13pm
  • Thats awesome

    Submitted by sammar on Feb 2, 10 at 9:34am
  • lmfao!! ahaha thats the best shit ive heard ever!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 14, 09 at 6:32pm
  • what are you smoking that you talk to things? that's never ever happened to me when high.. weed doesn't do that to you

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 11, 09 at 4:22pm
  • Ah dang reminds me of the good days

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 20, 10 at 2:12am
  • I love this. I saved it in my favorites because it made me laugh so hard my eyes watered

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 6, 09 at 10:31pm
  • Haha that is bad but at least your a kind person right?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 25, 09 at 12:43am
  • absolutely hilarious.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 12, 09 at 4:03am
  • As awful as this SHOULD be, it's sadly quite cute.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 14, 09 at 1:14pm
  • Ha ha ha,Funniest thing on here!! -snowman!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 5, 10 at 11:43pm
  • driving high is the best!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 23, 09 at 11:47am
  • hahahaha, you know its posts like these that make me wana start smoking again. i stopped cause the last time i smoked dank shit i put my dick on my best friends girl friends face hahaha. crazy shit will happen

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 22, 09 at 1:00am
  • u and me both

    Submitted by watRuSMOKIN on May 5, 10 at 2:23am
  • Lol, did that with a chip bag and a bike.. Tried breaking, instead flew over my handle bars landed folded in half with the bike on top of me.. Wearing a bathing suit top and shorts...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 10, 10 at 9:24pm
  • I did that with a snake...well a shadow lol

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 9, 09 at 1:58am
  • only time i ever talked to an inanimate object, i was definitely high, just off way better shit than pot.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 19, 09 at 7:32am
  • Your right 141 fake as SHIT

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 22, 10 at 5:05pm
  • i once thought the lights were playing eluvium or sleepboy...idk something with strings. they were sooooo beautiful, until i tripped over my own foot and fell face down

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 9, 09 at 7:19pm
  • 919 represent! north carolina may be the best state in existence..

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 14, 09 at 5:35pm
  • totally had a similar experience. only i had a convo with a squirrel

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 12, 09 at 10:16pm
  • Same thing happened to me but it was a shape shifting tree.

    Submitted by magnavox1 on May 3, 10 at 10:57pm
  • this is easily the funniest text I've ever seen on this site

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 22, 09 at 3:11pm
  • Bahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah. You'd be a blast to get baked with.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 10, 10 at 12:39am
  • Did it ever make it across?

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 29, 09 at 1:26am
  • That is something I would do!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 13, 09 at 10:01am
  • I DID THAT SAME THING WITH A SQUIRREL..... turns out it was a rock. My brother and his friend thought the rock was a squirrel too. LMAO.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 22, 09 at 3:27pm
  • HAHAHAHAHA, just died.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 1, 09 at 5:07am
  • Have you seen a six legged goat yet? I've got multiple sightings of him in the road.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 17, 09 at 6:43pm
  • Insanely awesome!!!!!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 5, 09 at 9:55pm
  • HAHAHAHAHAHAHA....i laughed for fact i am still laughing. also, i loved the reoccuring love convo with traffic cones and the convo with a squirrel

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 13, 09 at 1:10am
  • Been there done that

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 14, 09 at 11:23pm
  • I wonder how long you waited...?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 13, 10 at 4:41am
  • hahahahahaa... i feel ya bro

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 14, 09 at 2:47am
  • this totally made my day bahaha

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 7, 09 at 11:28pm
  • hahahahaha this just made my day. Thank you so much for posting that! Mario Kart person: you also made my night! wow....

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 13, 09 at 4:41am
  • hahahahahahahaha. Epic.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 16, 09 at 3:16pm
  • I think lemons are giraffes. However, it doesn't effect my driving ability.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 28, 09 at 11:27pm
  • Lol driving high is the best :)

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 31, 09 at 5:42pm
  • Best.Entry.Ever... I love this! :D

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 8, 09 at 9:38pm
  • So did it end up crossing or not?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 4, 09 at 1:36am
  • you obviously haven't been smoking long enough to be driving while stoned. leave it to the professionals.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 13, 09 at 3:14am
  • Reminds me of my roommates!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 25, 10 at 5:47pm
  • Omj you are awesome let's be best friends

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 29, 09 at 5:18pm
  • Something similar happened to me on my boat, I was trying to dock and thought I saw a bunch of fish so I stopped and tried to back up not realizing I was on a lake

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 26, 09 at 9:39pm
  • This is amazing, AND you're in my area code. Props for you, my friend.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 14, 09 at 3:54am
  • hah i fucking love driving high on the way to school. it feels like a video game cuz i gotta get there on time. and like i always think everyone in the car will blow up if we run outta time. i need to stopp.. hah nawh!

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 14, 09 at 1:02am
  • Retard!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 18, 10 at 2:19pm
  • haha seriously... I cant stop laughing either. Thats priceless!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 11, 09 at 10:42am
  • Every text from NC is always drug related. Way to represent. lol (:

    Submitted by Caybayy on Feb 4, 10 at 11:58pm
  • HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHA. im just imagining someone doing that!! HAHAH its something i would do!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 13, 09 at 9:34pm
  • rough raleigh represent nigguhh

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 3, 09 at 12:11pm
  • bahahaahhaahhaaa fucking love it!!!!! sounds like some shit i would do!

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 27, 09 at 11:06pm
  • aaahahahahah. way to represent the 919! i am so proud.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 18, 09 at 1:59am
  • OMG I'm still laughing...I remember those days. Funny as hell!

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 17, 09 at 2:11am
  • This is the absolute best post I've ever read!!! LMFAO!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 19, 09 at 2:52pm
  • if this is TRUE, HILARIOUS!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 14, 09 at 10:43am
  • i loveeee it! priceless

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 14, 09 at 4:41pm
  • haha tht so would happen to no joke

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 22, 09 at 11:15pm
  • this one is the best. i thikn about it sometimes in the day to get me by with a good laugh . AWESOME.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 26, 09 at 5:02pm
  • Bahahaha awesome ... New favorite!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 1, 09 at 2:19am
  • I am to the point of tears right now. cannot. stop. laughing.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 16, 09 at 11:06pm
  • lol how long did it take u to realize it wasnt going to move ... or did u just sit there for like an hour ? LOL :P

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 5, 09 at 5:19am
  • ahahahahhaha....beautiful.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 6, 09 at 12:13am
  • Can not stop frickin laughing! That is hilarious. I slow down for leaves crossing the road, so I feel ya!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 3, 09 at 3:07am
  • "DUDE that same thing happened to me but it was a leaf that i thought was a banana peel after playing mario kart" this is too funny

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 30, 09 at 11:00pm
  • I've stoped at a deer crosing sign waitng for the deer

    Submitted by loverbutt on Apr 22, 10 at 1:53pm
  • N.C. Nothing but drugs, 919 is the area code of where I use to live in N.C. Hillsborough

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 24, 10 at 1:37pm
  • 11:16 is a homo ... just saying

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 27, 09 at 12:05am
  • Been there. Done that. Wonderful times.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 1, 09 at 3:15am
  • one time my friend tried to start a fight with a ball when she was blazed because it hit her in the leg and she thought it was starting a fight so she started poking at it and yelling at it and she was by herself which I think is even worse. and the shit she smokes is usally laced.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 26, 09 at 2:21pm
  • I love all of you right now

    Submitted by mandykay27 on Mar 21, 12 at 10:51am
  • Hahahahah oh Mary, we love you!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 3, 10 at 9:08pm
  • " Now see this is a lie because if you were really high you wouldn't remember this August 6, 2009 3:20AM" i don't know what the fuck you've been smoking, but i remember everything when i smoke, and so does everyone that i have ever smoked with.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 11, 09 at 5:02pm
  • A pinecone in the dark by these things called lights.... Dumb ass

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 26, 09 at 3:02am
  • Hahahahahaha this is SO funny!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 24, 09 at 4:16am
  • I had to call my husband who is in another state currently for this one! MWHAHAHAHAHA

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 20, 09 at 10:49pm
  • ya i agree.. i want sum of that bud ur smoking

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 12, 09 at 2:33pm
  • this is the first post to make me laugh out loud.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 15, 09 at 8:55pm
  • Ha ha

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 3, 10 at 10:49pm
  • yay for rednecks in Jihnston County! :)

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 29, 09 at 2:37am
  • I fucking love you.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 3, 09 at 5:04am
  • Hahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahhahahahshahahhahahahha thats funny as

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 28, 09 at 7:42pm
  • Best comment ever. I want what your smoking.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 26, 10 at 5:56am
  • still makes me laugh everytime <333

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 30, 09 at 10:57pm
  • this is so fucking funny hahahah omfg i can imagine me doing this

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 26, 09 at 9:04pm
  • rack em!!!best by far!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 8, 09 at 10:59am
  • Funniest shit I have ever heard.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 6, 09 at 9:26am
  • ok, if you are having a convo with inanimate objects, then you need to switch weed dealers. it's been laced with something. unless you just can't handle your herb. however, if you're tripping balls then maybe i can understand it. even then though, maybe you just can't handle your shit.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 13, 09 at 3:11am
  • I loled

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 18, 10 at 12:33pm
  • oh my goodness. that is hilarious

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 23, 09 at 11:11pm
  • TOO HIGH! ahahahahaha. fucking hilarious

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 22, 09 at 11:21pm
  • hahahahah pinecone hhahaha

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 30, 09 at 2:04pm
  • this is seriously the funniest thing i've ever read...i just posted it on fb

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 4, 09 at 2:59am
  • only the pot heads laugh at this.. myself being one :) I seriously almost just pissed my pants.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 29, 09 at 10:22pm
  • One time I was driving high and I hit a raccoon, I didn't think it was real till I felt the bump

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 13, 09 at 4:44am
  • will you please marry me????

    Submitted by sexibitch69 on Feb 12, 10 at 12:18am
  • Lmfao hahahahahahahaha

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 9, 09 at 10:15pm
  • I thought I was the ONLY one who did shit like that when I'm high...LMAO Kudos!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 13, 09 at 11:01pm
  • Bahahaha!!!

    Submitted by AkaBryant on Feb 28, 11 at 11:10pm
  • Only in the inland empire lol

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 14, 10 at 3:17pm

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 29, 09 at 5:26pm
  • bahahahahha.....bust out laughing. i'm all alone. so great.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 15, 09 at 12:52pm
  • Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahah!!!!!!!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 8, 09 at 1:03am
  • Once my cousin was driving sober and ran over a turtle she thought was a pine cone. Had she been high that turtle could still be alive today.

    Submitted by sammar on Feb 2, 10 at 9:39am
  • I think I know this person!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 26, 09 at 3:50pm
  • haha. i havent laughed that hard in foreverr

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 28, 09 at 6:19am
  • me we should totally party

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 18, 09 at 4:32pm
  • I agree with above. Rarely to actually burst out loud

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 15, 09 at 11:59pm
  • We do this kind of shit in Durham.\n919 representin.

    Submitted by hannahcowgirl on Nov 8, 10 at 1:40am
  • Lmao that's awesome!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 8, 09 at 2:04am
  • wow! wow! my stomach hurts, i can't stop laughing! this is incredible!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 5, 09 at 11:36pm
  • I'm wiping off the tears, it just caught me off guard. Thanks

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 31, 09 at 1:17am
  • I seriously LMFAO every time I go to this site. Best. Site. Ever. I have stopped and waited at a stop sign before too. Damn I felt like an ass hole. This one had me laughing for days.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 12, 09 at 4:38pm
  • HAHAHAHHAHA hilarioussss

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 15, 09 at 11:09am
  • The best one on here

    Submitted by bookeeri on Aug 6, 10 at 1:39am
  • Fuckin epic dude lmao

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 21, 09 at 4:11am
  • thats the funniest shit i ever heard

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 15, 09 at 1:13am
  • HAHAHAHAH 919 keeping it real way to rep the NC

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 3, 09 at 8:56pm
  • Hahaaha

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 22, 10 at 1:36am
  • laughing so hard i'm crying.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 13, 09 at 4:15am
  • hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 21, 09 at 9:39pm
  • I think i saw u, you were in a pink skirt and a chiwawa suit

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 22, 09 at 1:19pm
  • wow, i'm laughing so unbelievably hard

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 12, 09 at 10:28pm
  • epic. nothing can beat this one in a stoners eyes :)

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 21, 09 at 11:46pm
  • OMG! I did this.. I thought a leaf was a squirrel

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 16, 09 at 8:45am
  • Best tfln EVER period the end

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 28, 09 at 10:28pm
  • Win

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 7, 10 at 2:12am
  • Haha! I've drove high and thought I saw kid standing in the middle of the road...there was nothing there lol!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 1, 09 at 9:58pm
  • If you have any doubt of this post being true, then you have never been to Durham, North Carolina before.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 4, 09 at 5:01pm
  • OMG! LMFAO! I can't stop laughing! High times are great =)

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 25, 09 at 11:08pm
  • Good one! Wishing I had some of your bud!!!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 15, 09 at 10:08pm
  • That's some damn good weed! Jealous.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 11, 09 at 2:30am
  • by far my favorite. i tried to read it out to my friend but i couldnt because i was crying/laughing so hard. Thank you!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 9, 09 at 12:24pm
  • lmao! hedgehogs aren't even indigenous to the 919 ;) i love my area code :))

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 3, 09 at 10:06pm
  • Lmfao!!! U high fuck!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 8:20pm
  • I was driving high one night and slowed down becuase I swear there was a cat slowly walking across the road...but It was only a plastic bag when I got closer to it

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 28, 09 at 1:49pm
  • this one time, at band camp

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 3, 09 at 1:44am
  • hahahaha one of my friends did that same thing it was so funny!!

    Submitted by esmith30 on Aug 31, 10 at 4:11pm
  • hahahaha! funniest thing i heard all day. LOVE IT!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 16, 09 at 4:59pm
  • There's no way you could make that up, that is the funniest thing I have ever heard! Bahaha

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 18, 09 at 11:58am
  • Y messenger: Jackinsally

    Submitted by Anonymous on Apr 1, 10 at 3:59am
  • Just so everyone is aware...the first time you try smoking weed you won't feel anything. You have to do it a couple times before you can get sufficiently high.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 8, 09 at 2:24am
  • dude... Ive done that with a kroger bag. Its all good. =)

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 9, 09 at 1:58am
  • i thought i saw bugs bunny running beside me driving through a parking lot, just happened to hit a speed bump at the same time and thought i ran him over!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 30, 09 at 11:59pm
  • I love this

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 13, 10 at 11:29am
  • I love this

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 18, 10 at 4:27pm
  • OMG!!!! too effin funny!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 3, 09 at 3:33pm
  • @ May 14, 2009 12:52AM I HAVE!!!! HAHAHAHAHAH!!! I STILL laugh at that one!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 14, 09 at 4:36pm
  • super hilarious! (: wow.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 6, 10 at 9:55pm
  • I thought a tree was a deer once.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 15, 09 at 1:08pm
  • hahahahahaha i love this

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 30, 09 at 9:23pm
  • Laughed out loud ahahahha

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 25, 09 at 2:58am
  • Fake. Nobody is this retarded except rain man

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 25, 09 at 11:06pm
  • Dude, that's hilarious.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 30, 09 at 8:53pm
  • This is priceless!!! Hahaha

    Submitted by vWonderBearv on Mar 8, 11 at 6:23pm
  • Funniest one I have ever heard yet

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 8, 09 at 9:47pm
  • I did that once. Except, I thought that I saw a guiene pig. Turns out.. It was just a leaf blowing around. Lol.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 10, 10 at 12:57am
  • I always honk at roadkill when im high...i always always always think its trying to cross the road and then i get up close and im very disappointed

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 27, 09 at 12:58am
  • I think this is the funniest thing I've seen in a long time. drivin high. classic.

    Submitted by bballer840 on Apr 7, 10 at 11:48am
  • these are my favourite kinds. can't stop laughing.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 13, 09 at 12:20am
  • dude when im high and driving, i turn the blinkers on to go into my garage.

    Submitted by ColemanMusic on Feb 27, 10 at 5:41pm
  • Yay for 919! Glad to see Im not the only one driving high on those roads. I do stop at stop signs waiting for them to turn green all the time... and I sometimes think trash bags on 55 are going to turn into deer and fuck up my SUV.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 26, 09 at 6:16pm
  • hahaha nice.

    Submitted by bl4ckh4wk on Mar 11, 10 at 4:10pm
  • Sweeeeet!

    Submitted by HMetalDrummer on Mar 2, 10 at 6:28pm
  • I saw the same hedgehog!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 28, 09 at 11:50pm
  • My mother has a similar story! Yay for caring about animals!!! Win!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 16, 09 at 12:38am
  • hahahah bull city! i hope we have met

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 6, 09 at 11:50pm
  • This one is my favorite.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 29, 09 at 9:54pm
  • This always happens to me

    Submitted by abagel21 on Apr 5, 11 at 3:45am
  • hahah...\n\n\nHAHAHA, rotfl.

    Submitted by smoothbutter01 on May 25, 10 at 12:48pm
  • omg hahahahahhaha this one hella made me laugh :D

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 3, 09 at 12:13pm
  • Stfu this is so true! U have probably just never been high homiee

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 26, 09 at 3:01am
  • Jay did you write this?!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 21, 09 at 12:17am
  • Yes, we have some great cannabis in Raleigh, NC :)

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 17, 09 at 3:05pm
  • there's almost 420 comments

    Submitted by yas7711 on Jul 23, 11 at 6:50pm
  • You lived my dream lol

    Submitted by charliegal2496 on May 24, 10 at 12:20am
  • Haha I love those High moments

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 8, 09 at 10:04pm
  • I know who wrote this. She ate part of my crunchewrap supreme today.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 7, 09 at 11:59pm
  • You are every pine cone's Person of the Year!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 7, 09 at 11:02am
  • Now see this is a lie because if you were really high you wouldn't remember this

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 6, 09 at 3:20am
  • this one is fucking hilarious and something similiar happened to me but it was tumbleweeds hahaha. so funny

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 12, 09 at 11:35pm
  • Win.

    Submitted by CodeWitch on May 22, 10 at 6:34pm
  • I hadn't slept in 48 hours and was high and I saw lights hitting the water on the road and stopped yo let a pair of potted plants with running shoes on cross the road

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 17, 10 at 1:18am
  • This is a comic on 4chan...

    Submitted by AnonymousX on Sep 27, 10 at 11:21pm
  • Lmfao that's priceless.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 25, 09 at 9:32pm
  • This is incredible. LMFAO.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 13, 09 at 3:21pm
  • Impressive but have you ever been that high on a rollercoaster? If not try it

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 26, 09 at 2:02am
  • Sounds lyk u had a gud nite!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 24, 09 at 2:41am
  • My hands-down favorite TFLN! I just wish sometimes that I didn't have Facebook set up to deliver their updates... it's kinda hard to explain it to your coworkers when you're sitting in your cubicle and all the sudden start busting up laughing. ;}

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 1, 09 at 3:22am
  • Never did that but did talk to a stop sign! Hahahah

    Submitted by 147man on Feb 8, 11 at 11:01pm
  • My day has officially been made

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 17, 10 at 6:23pm
  • That's totally something I would do...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 19, 09 at 1:32am
  • Hahaha NC's got that skunk. Try driving thru snow high

    Submitted by NDubLacrosse on Apr 5, 10 at 11:59pm
  •  ^_____^

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 26, 09 at 5:36pm
  • That's fucking halarious

    Submitted by Krusty_Tharton on Apr 11, 10 at 12:43am
  • All the high motherfuckers are at state you'd have to high to pick state

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 27, 10 at 1:25am

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 3, 09 at 2:11pm
  • To the comment 2 above,yeah me and some friends waited for 15min in Philly for that damn stop sign to turn green.Then we said screw it and ran it.And the mario cart comment made me piss myself,thank you kindly for THAT.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 14, 09 at 1:10am
  • Funny thing is, when you're high, the pinicone actually will cross the road

    Submitted by Degu_Boy on May 14, 10 at 2:48am
  • I was high when I stuk a dildo up my teachers butt

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 7, 09 at 11:26pm
  • fucking love this site. this one of my fave so far ahha

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 7, 09 at 4:08am
  • this is why marijuana should be legalized ..if this person was drunk that pinecone would be obliterated ..high people are considerate

    Submitted by SNlCKL3FRlTZ on Nov 29, 10 at 5:36pm
  • I woke up the other morning grabbed my keys walked to my front door and hit the unlock button on my car pad waiting for my house door to open,that was a gooooood night.

    Submitted by samantha_jayne13 on Sep 28, 10 at 9:53pm
  • Story of my life.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 30, 10 at 11:51pm
  • hahahahaa omg thats great!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 2, 09 at 12:43am
  • roflao! still laughing :)

    Submitted by iowahawksrgreat on Oct 24, 10 at 3:41pm
  • Goooo little hedghog! I can wait for youuu

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 20, 09 at 11:37am
  • this is quite possibly one of the funniest things i've ever read...

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 13, 09 at 2:28am
  • Common mistake when your high

    Submitted by mpk1414 on Apr 19, 10 at 11:42pm
  • Hahaha

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 16, 10 at 8:15pm
  • I agree. best one EVER.

    Submitted by mattsgirl on Jan 21, 11 at 6:16am
  • Represent Dirrrrty D!! =)

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 11, 09 at 3:22pm
  • that is the greatest thing i have ever heard

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 8, 09 at 10:06pm
  • my favorite post EVER!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 20, 09 at 3:54am
  • Hahaha this made my day freakin hilarious.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 2, 09 at 10:18pm
  • HAHHAH oh my god too funny!

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 13, 09 at 11:08am
  • Hahahaha been there before

    Submitted by jankmieser on Jul 7, 10 at 9:43pm
  • 919 is the area I live in...which is Cary, North Carolina

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 2, 10 at 2:36pm
  • haha. what the hell does a hedgehog even look like...and who brakes for them?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 14, 09 at 4:40pm
  • hahaha 9:52, me tooo

    Submitted by LOVELIFEE on Jun 6, 10 at 11:56am
  • OMG!!! I love this! Haha I lol for like 10 minutes everytime I read this!

    Submitted by cat_man on May 13, 10 at 10:46pm
  • oh my god, i love nights like that.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 1, 09 at 12:55am
  • i loveeeee the high ones

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 13, 09 at 12:29am
  • This is so true! Lmao!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 23, 09 at 8:11pm
  • that would have been awesome to see

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 10, 09 at 8:50pm
  • Common confusion! 

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 24, 09 at 2:21am
  • I've done that, but mine was a shadow that looked like a bicyclist, at 10:30 at night, so I slammed on my brakes in the middle of the road.. People were only a little pissed! Lol

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 1, 09 at 1:15am
  • Been there. Done that. Except mine was clumps of mud that looked like kittens.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 23, 09 at 1:22pm
  • Dood thts the best don't u love getting high

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 30, 09 at 10:37pm
  • smoking that bobby brown

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 22, 09 at 10:12am
  • best one on the site!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 5, 09 at 2:46am
  • Fucking dumb.

    Submitted by metalmouth on Oct 4, 11 at 10:57am
  • It's area code of whole triangle but most the drugies are in hillsborough

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 27, 10 at 1:22am
  • This could b real! I have done that b4!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 25, 10 at 5:38pm
  • Seriously funny, but seriously sad! This kind of crap is what causes accidents. You slam on your brakes for a flippin pine cone and the person behind you slams into you. If you can't see DON'T DRIVE!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 2, 09 at 8:01pm
  • hahahahahahgahahaha omg so good

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 25, 09 at 7:59pm
  • Ya know I'm way glad that I'm not the only one that does that lol

    Submitted by CopperPenny on Oct 25, 10 at 1:46pm
  • I about pissed my pants reading this. Yes, I have been that high!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 18, 09 at 11:24pm
  • Lol! Wow this guy has some issues. He makes getting high sound fun. I never would've guessed

    Submitted by jaimeaeryk98 on Jul 27, 10 at 3:24am
  • I've done the stop sign one haha

    Submitted by SEV on Apr 27, 10 at 2:45am
  • I once confused a fire-hydrant for a chicken lol

    Submitted by spluchino82 on Jun 28, 11 at 10:10pm
  • something i would most likely do sober (i would say something about not driving high but im assuming its already been said 100s of times)

    Submitted by showstopper303 on Jun 3, 10 at 10:13pm
  • lol I did this one time but I stopped at a stop sign and saw a moose sitting to the right of it.. it was a deer haha gotta love high times.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 11, 10 at 11:45pm
  • THE MUSHROOMS MADE ME HEAR COLORS!! and see walking pine cones *-*

    Submitted by edward101 on Jul 15, 11 at 2:53am
  • Agahahhaha shit my pants laughing

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 22, 09 at 5:14pm
  • I slammed the brakes b/c i thought my air freshener was a real tree. That's why I don't drive high.

    Submitted by mdguy301 on Sep 8, 10 at 1:36pm
  • Halarious

    Submitted by x3lloThfann on Apr 11, 10 at 10:51am
  • that pine cones family thanks you

    Submitted by ScSurfer1691 on Jun 26, 10 at 9:37pm
  • H e r o

    Submitted by mitchee on Aug 7, 10 at 3:33am
  • haha, this is one of the best. love it.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 13, 09 at 4:29am
  • haha don't worry i thought there were fish crossing the road when i was driving, they were just leaves

    Submitted by crazybluefish on May 2, 10 at 6:16pm
  • I'm getting this shirt. I swear it. Genius!

    Submitted by sunnyparsa on Apr 6, 11 at 10:23am
  • Hahahah I love this one!

    Submitted by jessssss15 on Jul 30, 11 at 3:07am
  • If you hadn't said you were driving high, this would have been funny. The fact that you would DUI, you are a tard

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 19, 09 at 7:11pm
  • lmao this is one of my favorites

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 12, 09 at 6:22pm
  • I think everybody should drive high... No more accidents

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 19, 09 at 12:24pm
  • that just made my life. hahahahaha i have waited for stop signs to turn green. they take for-FUCKING-ever. hahahah i'm still laughing. a pinecone... hahahahaha

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 10, 09 at 10:42am
  • this is embarassing. probably faking being high.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 13, 09 at 11:59am
  • i always end up following those animals and getting lost.. good choice to just let it go

    Submitted by squirrel1515 on Apr 12, 11 at 3:33pm
  • Ahahahaahhaahahah I think I just peed a little

    Submitted by bellaisbest23 on Mar 7, 11 at 6:50pm
  • This just confirms my husband's belief that when you drive high you have a much grander awareness of 'safety first'. Much safer than driving drunk. So screw everybody in legislature that says driving while high is unsafe. Just tell a high person they could murder somebody if they drive and they'll give their keys up on the spot and start crying.

    Submitted by anoblereturn9 on Jun 29, 10 at 12:08am
  • I once drove in to a field in an attempt to save the sleeping leprechaun in the street. it ended up being a broken tree branch. I wanted the gold :(

    Submitted by zck17 on Aug 10, 11 at 7:56am
  • Egnk

    Submitted by knox on Jul 9, 11 at 5:35pm
  • Best one by far. This is fucking hilarious

    Submitted by thebossdrama on Jan 2, 11 at 3:50pm
  • I did this for roadkill once. it took me a while to realize it wasn't alive. I love weed!

    Submitted by stfubitchhh on Jun 9, 10 at 3:35pm
  • NC represent! Half the state smokes weed so don't feel bad

    Submitted by hawlaaaxoxo on Jan 14, 11 at 8:26pm
  • Epic.

    Submitted by wilc4087 on Jul 2, 10 at 11:39pm
  • LOL thatz the type of shyt that really happens lol

    Submitted by pmpricoo on Jun 22, 10 at 11:33pm
  • Fukin awesome

    Submitted by stoopid_dood on May 2, 10 at 2:52am
  • 12:52 I do that all the time. Sometimes I stop at a corner thinking there is a stop sign. And to the post that is fucking awesome, I once took some acid and sat on a bench and talked to a pirate for 3 hours. Went back 2 days later and it was part of the bench.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 27, 09 at 12:25pm
  • hahahahhahahahahahahaah fucking retard

    Submitted by chrisb911 on Aug 28, 10 at 6:55pm
  • Baha

    Submitted by saren0314 on Aug 13, 11 at 12:38am
  • I thought I saw a Giraffe when I was driving once. I was in Michigan's Upper Peninsula, and it was actually just a telephone pole.

    Submitted by lwarnos on Dec 25, 11 at 1:50am

    Submitted by badmitch on May 25, 11 at 6:15pm
  • BadMitch would have ran that motherfucker over.

    Submitted by badmitch on May 25, 11 at 6:12pm
  • Jan27 10:04, fuck you you racist fuck

    Submitted by aidan99 on May 4, 10 at 2:03am
  • haahaaaaaaaa

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 21, 10 at 10:19pm
  • Ahhhaha. That's my area code and I would just like to say I'm proud.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 1, 10 at 5:09am
  • It's not north Carolina. 918 is nc

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 6, 10 at 9:30am
    • 919 is in north carolina, think unc chapel hill

      Submitted by jurk on Mar 22, 10 at 10:38pm
  • This is wicked!

    Submitted by aconnors on Oct 14, 10 at 11:23pm
  • Hahaha too funny!!!!

    Submitted by xbb2226 on Jun 3, 11 at 6:00am
  • One time I was high and I thought a niigger baby was hanging out of a dogs ass, turns out it was pooping... PLEASE COME GET ME!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 27, 10 at 10:04pm
  • that's pretty hilarious. Cheers to being blazed and doing embarrassing things!

    Submitted by sidmon on Jun 12, 10 at 9:28pm
  • The shit

    Submitted by fad3away94 on Dec 12, 10 at 7:44pm
  • Hahahaha...

    Submitted by Golden_1 on Dec 20, 11 at 3:52am
  • dude. your amazing.

    Submitted by dozedoff on Jul 22, 10 at 4:21am
  • the real question is was it a pinecone or a hedgehog???

    Submitted by lispylover911 on Oct 11, 11 at 11:37pm
  • This is insanely dangerous. Funny as hell? Yes. But please for the love of not accidentally killing someone innocent stick to bikes, sidewalks and roller blades. And whoever said you drive safer because you go slower. That isn't true. Driving slower can actually cause accidents like driving faster.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 22, 09 at 11:16pm
  • I'd be lying if I said I have never done anything like that

    Submitted by mfbear on Aug 7, 10 at 6:20pm
  • Haha I am constantly forgetting which pedal is which when I'm driving stoned, and sometimes I'll just forget completely where I'm going or how to get there. :)

    Submitted by R_Palmah on May 1, 10 at 1:59pm
  • had to stop playing guitar hero because my tv flew away

    Submitted by USAF on Jun 2, 10 at 11:47am
  • Hiiiiiii-LARIOUS!!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 1, 09 at 11:38pm
  • Hahaha

    Submitted by ubluffin on Oct 2, 10 at 10:08pm
  • this is just a rehashe of stupid comic

    Submitted by flapjax on Sep 14, 10 at 12:55am
  • Thats funny

    Submitted by knox on Jul 9, 11 at 5:33pm
  • Raleighwood!

    Submitted by Wok5897 on Jun 20, 10 at 2:09pm
  • Hahahahahahah. This made my night

    Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 20, 09 at 11:09pm
  • Real

    Submitted by BrohammedAli on Apr 15, 10 at 8:39pm
  • And this is the reason I want to get high.

    Submitted by tiffanimichele on Jan 16, 12 at 9:19pm
  • Lmao I was high once and thought my friends German sheppard mix was my chihuahua. I had some trouble carrying her around.. Bahah

    Submitted by megface on Apr 20, 11 at 1:25pm
  • Most epic post I've seen on here hahaha

    Submitted by drea_lain3 on Jan 23, 11 at 9:57pm
  • Omfg. Ive so done that before. But it was roadkill..

    Submitted by jessluhsyuh on Jan 2, 11 at 6:45pm
  • I have done that sober. :)

    Submitted by greeneyedgirl219 on Dec 14, 11 at 8:35pm
  • I know I'm late to the party but I just thought I should say fuck soviet fat, woman-beating, ignorant piece of shit

    Submitted by mcq53 on May 19, 10 at 1:15am
  • I would prob think that it was a hedgehog even if I wasn't stoned

    Submitted by mcmuffin88 on Jan 24, 11 at 10:06pm
  • That's funny as shit! I was once hitting my friends new bong I got him for Christmas last year and it has a elephant in it and your smoking out of the elephants trunk and I was afraid to hit it again that the elephant was gonna get high then stop working for us...

    Submitted by BDF923 on Dec 31, 10 at 1:18am
  • By far my most favorite tfln!

    Submitted by oohbubbles on Dec 17, 11 at 12:28am
  • hahahaha funniest one

    Submitted by Rickt160 on Jun 11, 10 at 7:24pm
  • awe that's sweet of you

    Submitted by stephaniejos on Jul 13, 11 at 1:01am
  • LMFAO. you are my hero

    Submitted by ashleebaaby19 on Aug 25, 10 at 9:46pm
  • Hahaha damn this one made me laugh hella bad

    Submitted by trevour92 on Jun 11, 10 at 1:06am
  • Bahaha!

    Submitted by funfunfunrun on Jul 31, 11 at 12:08am
  • Heres to a Good effin year..\n\n\n\n-Steve

    Submitted by HeroStatus_LTD on Jan 30, 11 at 7:07pm
  • I pulled over once because what I thought was road kill was some mowed grass and I didn't wanna hurt the animal :O

    Submitted by weedweedweedweed on Dec 26, 10 at 1:34am
  • Drunk drivers crash into shit bit if a something scares a high driver you alm may jus walk I honestly got stuck at a red light for 15minutes at like 3am. I was too freakin paranoid to move my car even though NO ONE was

    Submitted by EversickChick on Jun 16, 10 at 3:36am
  • Get high, and dance in the rain. It will change your life

    Submitted by anarchist on Jan 28, 12 at 1:56pm
  • Funniest text ever... I remember when I saw the perfect row of cats eyes on top of a truck... They were the reflectors.....

    Submitted by Rosamondmoonpie on Jul 6, 10 at 3:07am

    Submitted by kenholl on Jan 7, 11 at 10:15pm
  • I've done that, stopped at stop signs waiting for them to turn green, flashing lights that. Never turn green and stopped at 4 nonexistant stop a row

    Submitted by mymuziksblarren on Jun 20, 10 at 6:21am
  • i can say proudly i hope this happens to me one day (:

    Submitted by thebitchnextdoor on Jun 1, 11 at 9:40pm
  • Hahaha that's so funny! This makes me want to get high!

    Submitted by thebeatles101 on Aug 13, 10 at 12:32am
  • Well don't you still have to let the pinecone cross?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Apr 14, 10 at 3:50pm
  • Omg been ther once stopped for a bear that turned out to be a bag of diapers. yes, I got out car to try n pet it.\nsuuuuper highhh....

    Submitted by StJimmyGD on May 24, 11 at 4:24pm
  • Sound much too familiar

    Submitted by shiloh1luv on Mar 1, 11 at 10:53pm
  • I stopped for a rock one time because I thought it was a turtle... when it didn't move I got out and tried to "help" it across the road....

    Submitted by OB154 on Feb 3, 11 at 11:05pm
  • He is my hero... Just kidding

    Submitted by ck1218 on Jul 30, 10 at 1:00am
  • That's funny.

    Submitted by Shiggy_Bay_B on Nov 4, 12 at 9:57am
  • dumb ass

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 9, 10 at 2:01am
  • Stop driving on the HIGHway. It's dangerous.

    Submitted by ChaotiiiKid on May 31, 11 at 11:55pm
  • One time I was riding my bike when saw Michael Jackson kissing Eminem under a tree...

    Submitted by strikerz890 on Jul 7, 11 at 1:18am
  • Will you marry me? ;)

    Submitted by WhoAmI123 on Nov 1, 11 at 12:55am
  • One time when I was driving, I thought I saw a giraffe. I was actually just driving through Michigan's Upper Peninsula. It was a telephone pole.

    Submitted by lwarnos on Dec 25, 11 at 11:54pm
  • Holy dhsjaiwnd I just shatted my pants. LMFAO

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 30, 09 at 7:02pm
  • This is AWESOME!!!!

    Submitted by Piixiedust on Jul 12, 12 at 3:32am
  • I can totally relate, my friend.

    Submitted by BMmcGee on Apr 11, 13 at 7:03pm
  • Go Sonic go!!!!!!!!!!

    Submitted by knm54656 on Feb 11, 13 at 11:43am
  • Don't drive high. People like you you shouldn't be driving.

    Submitted by Axel5238 on Feb 28, 13 at 3:14am
  • I once waited at a stop sign for it to turn green I was so high! Haha. I was there for like 5 minutes wondering what the hell was taking it so long to change..? Then I looked around and realized I was at a stop sign. That's when I told myself no more smoking then driving. Haha. So dumb!

    Submitted by DonkeyLipps on May 3, 13 at 4:15am
  • My highschool boyfriend LEGIT sent me this same text like 6 years back!

    Submitted by gemmasmusic on Dec 17, 15 at 12:36am