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  • Where the fuck do you work that sells wine and a kite

    Submitted by praznick on Oct 18, 10 at 6:11pm
    • wal-mart, costco, walgreens, costplus world market...? there's plenty of places.

      Submitted by PropagandaPanda on Oct 18, 10 at 9:01pm
      • I know right! when you think about it, that is got to be the single, most dumbest question anybody could ask. I mean, he could been better off saying some stupid ass shit like "first". thank you panda, i hope prazdouche will some day understand his idiocy

        Submitted by 69AbbaZabba on Oct 19, 10 at 11:00am
      • Ahh ok. Stores in the USA are weird!

        Submitted by AlwaysTheDriver on Jun 21, 21 at 5:10am
    • That was my thought too!

      Submitted by AlwaysTheDriver on Jun 21, 21 at 5:10am
  • Rule 349: When flying a kite with a stranger, a box of wine is required regardless of sexual preference.

    Submitted by TheRuleBook on Oct 18, 10 at 7:26pm
  • box of wine? They weren't g@y! if they are, they should have known better! tisk tisk

    Submitted by yleader84 on Oct 18, 10 at 5:19pm
  • That's awesome?

    Submitted by said8ED on Oct 18, 10 at 11:29am
  • Was one of them Danny Devito?

    Submitted by collegelover01 on Oct 18, 10 at 7:23pm
  • Your not gayyyy?

    Submitted by calixdude4life on Oct 18, 10 at 12:45pm
  • To top off the evening they should get Lady Gagas latest cd and some KY

    Submitted by Dr_sparkles on Oct 18, 10 at 1:20pm
  • box of wine? Saving for depends that will be needed from 35 onwards....

    Submitted by Ibdl on Oct 18, 10 at 2:37pm
  • Aw, sounds romantic. Just add butt lube.

    Submitted by Valkyrie on Oct 18, 10 at 1:00pm