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  • Unbreakable dishes are right up there with wet paint signs and saying "don't touch the plate, it's really hot". They're all red rags to the Y chromosome.

    Submitted by 3knucklesdeep on Apr 5, 11 at 6:02pm
  • My mom bought "unbreakable" china 40 years ago and my dad spent a half hour throwing 1 dish on the kitchen floor til it finally broke. Good to see typical male behavior doesn't change through the generations.

    Submitted by goodhead50 on Apr 5, 11 at 12:45pm
  • There's a display in a window by my apartment that says 'unbreakable glasses' on a huge stack of water glasses. It makes my hands itch.

    Submitted by cannabislecter on Apr 5, 11 at 10:42am
  • Yes, I'm definitely with OP on this one.

    Submitted by jltc on Apr 5, 11 at 2:36pm
  • NEVER tell a guy he cant do something

    Submitted by satanslilhelper on Apr 5, 11 at 10:10am
  • Wooo my area code go San Ramon ca

    Submitted by MrSniffles on Apr 10, 11 at 4:22am
  • sounds like its mostly their fault actually. who WOULDN'T attempt to break the dishes with a challenge like that?

    Submitted by dat_azz_69 on Apr 5, 11 at 10:33am
  • True. It's extending a challenge.

    Submitted by EclecticPandora on Apr 5, 11 at 11:48am
  • this looks like one of my texts from a few years ago. tried talking myself out of having to replace a set of my room mate's dishes.

    Submitted by Ambz on Apr 5, 11 at 12:11pm
  • I am going to have to agree with the posts saying this is typical male behaviour, even with clear invitations such as this, I could not bring myself to try to destroy someone else's things but my brother would do it in a heartbeat.

    Submitted by muireann04 on Apr 5, 11 at 6:50pm
  • I did this with a calculator the other day XP

    Submitted by MCR2011 on Apr 10, 11 at 12:00am
  • I would do this in a heartbeat!!

    Submitted by bearcat20125 on Apr 5, 11 at 11:24am
  • Challenge accepted

    Submitted by rotflmfao on Apr 6, 11 at 7:28pm
  • how do you know it's a male? I'm a girl and I love challenges, this sounds like something I would totally do...maybe after drinking a little or smoking some good shit tho lols

    Submitted by roflberries on Apr 9, 11 at 7:20am