My poor US cousins, you are SO angry. It's just a woman having some fun. In other countries, guys like you who hate women like this are called the Taliban. Let's ease off the death wish. Breathe love in... breathe anger out xx
Bullshit. Every time there's a text like this, some idiot has to bring this up. If it were a guy, he WOULD be called a slut and decent girls AND decent guys would lose respect. It's the fucking 21st Century. Guys get called sluts too. And she DOES sound like a tramp. Deal with it.
HAHA....these haters are just jealous they cannot find someone like this who is DTF .... kudos to the OP :-p EVERYONE else is thinkin it but at least SOMEONES actually doin the Krazzzzy lol
Take a look at the top and the bottom comments. The ones insulting the OP are at the bottom, the ones saying "Don't insult her, she's winning" are at the top. The tide is turning, and soon, in a generation or two, people who think what this girl does is shameful will be a very small minority.
This is TFLN. It's meant to be funny. If you don't have a crude, inappropriate sense of humor, then this isn't the site for you. No one is forcing you to read these texts. Wishing death on people is absolutely sickening. It makes you no better than the girl who posted this text.
That key-lock analogy is meaningless. Just because something has the same basic shape as something else doesn't mean they are at all alike. Or do you want me to infer something about size as well?
I was working out a comparison between using the term "best friend" loosely and your vagina to make a witty comment but I'm too sleepy, so I'll just go with "slut"
If it was her husband then that'd be horrible but if it was a free for all party I don't think the guy would mind her screwing his best friend...having drunken sex with a person doesn't give cause for enough emanational attachment to be jealous...
The world needs girls like this. Girls like this are fun and without them we would be a very frustrated society. Want a good girl? Go to church. Want a good time.... find a chick like this.
really? I do it all the time. Its no big deal for me to wake up and fuck whoever I passed out next to, then call up another in the afternoon, and then find someone new to pass out next to that night. not bragging, just saying its not that far fetched.
Think of it this way. If you had a lock that was opened by any key...well then that would be a shitty lock. But if u had a key that opened any lock... Then ur the man. Just sayin
Get it girl!! Fuck all them haters!! Stupid Jesus freaks... If texts on here seem soooo distasteful to them, then get the fuck off TFLN and go back to ur church. Bleh. This girl seems like fun. Everyone else just needs to get over it.
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