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  • Hey, whether it's permissible to wake someone up from sleep with sex raises some very serious issues of consent. Some people, like OP apparently, also have fantasies of having sex while incapacitated. Good to get the issue of consent cleared up while one is still sober.

    Submitted by GetOffMyLawn on Feb 8, 13 at 6:31pm
  • How bout I say I did then you give me hangover head in the morning?

    Submitted by Malarkey on Feb 8, 13 at 7:52pm
  • "I didn't need any, but thanks."

    Submitted by YouveAlrdyHadUrs on Feb 9, 13 at 2:00am
  • Omm, nom nom. Zombie!!

    Submitted by SaducarGeneral on Feb 8, 13 at 4:03pm
  • This raises s good question, if you get prior permission is it raep?

    Submitted by yewinnhard on Feb 9, 13 at 8:27am
    • You just answered your own question...if it's consentual then by definition, no.

      Submitted by MrMagicFingers on Feb 9, 13 at 9:19am
    • still could be considered r@pe. by definition, you have to have capacity to consent.

      Submitted by WV_kiwi on Feb 9, 13 at 1:17pm
  • That's no fun!

    Submitted by 4NIC8OR on Feb 8, 13 at 5:24pm