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  • Ooooh, Caaanadaaa!...

    Submitted by Momo_26 on Mar 14, 10 at 10:38am
  • No matter how any argument goes for US vs canada , there's always one thing that puts Canada on top. You guys had fucking Bush.

    Submitted by tblftw on Mar 14, 10 at 11:05pm
    • Hahaha. I'm American and I love this comment. FUCK Bush.

      Submitted by wherearewe on Apr 11, 11 at 1:45am
    • We may have Bush, but you birthed Justin Beiber. We win.

      Submitted by Fenity on Jul 8, 11 at 1:02am
      • And you have Ke$ha, Rebecca Black, Jersey Shore, The Kardashians, Lindsay Lohan, Miley Cyrus...need I go on? Yeah. I think we just won. :)

        Submitted by ohwhatsherface on Nov 21, 11 at 2:16am
  • Yeah Canada!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 14, 10 at 8:29am
  • This is a great post. Made me lol.

    Submitted by bigdog2382 on Mar 14, 10 at 8:47am
  • Hahahahaha. That is fucking amazing.

    Submitted by anonymous_female on Aug 21, 10 at 2:33am
  • Canada fuck yeah!!!

    Submitted by theduce on Mar 14, 10 at 12:20pm
  • Oh, Canada :)\nHaha, love being Canadian.

    Submitted by darcyemily on Mar 14, 10 at 8:59am
  • I love my country(:

    Submitted by ivybear on Mar 14, 10 at 8:33am
  • Why are people hating on Canada?! America isn't that great!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 14, 10 at 9:34am
  • I'm from the US and even I think Canada rocks. Look what it has given us: hockey, maple syrup, jones soda, and [if this text is to be believed] dick.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 15, 10 at 12:41am
  • Lolololololololol \nI shouldn't have read this in church

    Submitted by arickkk on Mar 14, 10 at 2:24pm
  • Ahah cute :)

    Submitted by ravishingrose on Mar 14, 10 at 8:33am
  • Hahahah this is really funny.

    Submitted by RAAAAAAAANDY on Mar 14, 10 at 7:36pm
  • You wait six hours to get stitches no matter what. I live in The US. And I had a 2 inch slash right under my left eye. I was fucking covered in blood and I had to wait like 7 hours

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 14, 10 at 11:49am

    Submitted by alyssa_w on Aug 3, 10 at 8:20pm
  • Go Canada

    Submitted by smandjb on Mar 14, 10 at 10:27pm
  • I'm from Canada hahahaha

    Submitted by adderall324 on Mar 17, 10 at 12:58am
  • If this dont make you a pround canadain nothing will

    Submitted by codeypark on Jun 20, 10 at 2:52am
  • I would rather live in Canada, better health care and legalized Marijuana, where do I sign up?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 14, 10 at 9:51am
    • lollll bud, marijana isnt legalized here..tho laws are loose\nand being from the states and living in canada, i can say sure healthcares good, if u wanna wait 6 hours to get stitches..

      Submitted by Michigan_Spartan on Mar 14, 10 at 10:43am
      • just because you have no patience doesn't mean our health care is slow. I can say every time I've gone to a walk in clinic or the er I've been in and out in about half an hour. And didn't have to worry about paying a huge bill the entire time i was there.

        Submitted by CaptainCourtcob on Mar 15, 10 at 8:00pm
      • I've never had to ever wait that long. And unfortunately I've had a lot of trips to the ER. Plus I can call my family doctor and get an appointment most times for the next day if not the day I called. <3 Canadian health care.

        Submitted by janine86 on Aug 18, 10 at 9:45pm
    • Marijuana might not be legal in Canada, but walking around topless is!

      Submitted by adambarron4 on Aug 12, 10 at 4:06pm
  • Yes we canadians got it goin on!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 14, 10 at 2:06pm

    Submitted by danielovesyouu on Mar 14, 10 at 2:26pm
  • I get it! LMFAO!

    Submitted by xXLelaXx on Apr 10, 10 at 5:45pm
  • Hahaha oh Canada

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 14, 10 at 3:01pm
  • im not gonna lie, this is brilliant

    Submitted by radaradarada on Mar 14, 10 at 11:31pm
  • I swear this sounds like a friend of mine.

    Submitted by emptymilkcarton on Mar 14, 10 at 12:38pm
  • oh canada!!

    Submitted by summer66 on May 19, 10 at 2:31pm
  • Yes Canada, free health care!

    Submitted by Cir123 on Apr 9, 10 at 3:22pm
  • Oh, Canada... Canada fucking owns. I feel bad for all the American wastes of space who hate us. Typical selfish arrogant dumbshits. Canada invented half the shit that you call "truly American" Baseball? Apple pie? Yeah, we're claiming that shot.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 9, 10 at 3:53pm
  • Makes me proud of my Canadian heritage!

    Submitted by churchftw on Apr 7, 10 at 12:06pm
  • AHAHA REP THE 604!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 15, 10 at 3:14am
  • oh!!!! fuckin canada!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 11, 10 at 1:48am
  • Beautiful... Simply beautiful...

    Submitted by KX510 on Mar 15, 10 at 7:34pm
  • 17th!!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 14, 10 at 1:35pm
  • lol nice!

    Submitted by green_eyedcutie on Mar 14, 10 at 6:32pm
  • Canada oh Canada...

    Submitted by siaaaxox on Mar 15, 10 at 12:45am
  • Lol! Oh canadaaa

    Submitted by burnt921 on Apr 9, 10 at 6:17pm
  • Canadiens are fucking amazing.

    Submitted by Arevs on Mar 2, 11 at 10:44pm
  • haha thts funny.

    Submitted by catfeeesh on Apr 30, 10 at 12:39pm
  • Hetalia....

    Submitted by XxSparklePartyxX on Dec 11, 11 at 8:51pm
  • My boyfriend's Canadian, I swear he laughed at this for an entire 15 seconds. LOL

    Submitted by cheldoll on Mar 19, 10 at 12:02pm
  • Ohh canada ohh OHHH!!!

    Submitted by jade_ on Mar 16, 10 at 6:07am
  • Love hockey, hate Canada and everyone from/in it. End of story

    Submitted by PanthersFLfan on Mar 30, 10 at 5:22pm
  • ahahahhahahahaha! aame thing here! wtf?!??! vancouver represent!

    Submitted by mrtnt on Jul 12, 11 at 4:08am
  • best text I've read in a long time\n\nand I love hockey so Canada's alright by me!

    Submitted by vespa on Mar 15, 10 at 5:45pm
  • USA is all I need to say

    Submitted by akwizz43 on Mar 14, 10 at 11:03pm
  • canucksssssssssss wooo

    Submitted by Anonymous on Apr 25, 10 at 2:33pm
  • Classssssiccc!!! haha

    Submitted by serenita on Jan 2, 11 at 7:19am
  • Go Canada \nI'm realy suprised to see me area code

    Submitted by LessThanjake on Jan 10, 11 at 6:18am
  • Hey chiapetlex!! You didn't know canada had the Internet because you're ignorant!! Canada Rocks! We're happy, we love to party, and we came up with hockey and basketball!!

    Submitted by maynard on Mar 14, 10 at 6:39pm
  • The canadians might have invented basketball, but it doesn't change the fact that they suck dick at playing it

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 15, 10 at 4:41pm
  • Makes me proud to be Canadian

    Submitted by canmav on Apr 13, 12 at 7:36am
  • "It's so small" is in Canada's national anthem?

    Submitted by imahedgehog on Mar 14, 11 at 4:55pm
  • Ruby7790 is totally right Canadians are sexy. Look your reading a comment from one right now.

    Submitted by Bickford777 on Sep 26, 12 at 2:17pm

    Submitted by canadiangirl_xo on Mar 17, 10 at 5:54pm
  • Radical

    Submitted by anon_y_mas on Mar 17, 10 at 10:45pm
  • Canada is like a cross between Europe and America. It's cool but I still like America slightly more.

    Submitted by RtGxTLx on Mar 14, 10 at 6:08pm
  • That is so great. Way to go, Canada!

    Submitted by Andikins on Apr 11, 11 at 3:15am
  • "Oh Canada, oh Canada…"

    Submitted by panahneshati on Nov 16, 11 at 6:34am
  • That's fucking awesome

    Submitted by hipsdontlie on Mar 15, 10 at 2:01pm
  • Bacsketball may have been first played in the USA. But it was invented by a Canadian. And that's what that first guy said when he talked about what the canadians INVENTED. Sorry to break it to you :)

    Submitted by geeeeeful on Mar 15, 10 at 12:14pm
  • This made my fucking day

    Submitted by bri_lin on Apr 4, 12 at 5:54pm
  • Ey? Ey! Ey!

    Submitted by celestieg on Dec 6, 10 at 9:48pm
  • Amazing.

    Submitted by inthecity on Dec 8, 11 at 10:32am
  • canadian football is a joke, and we created lax. suck it canada, eh? USAAA

    Submitted by USA on Mar 20, 10 at 12:08am
  • Go canada! Hahahahaha yea right FUCK CANADA! USA! USA! USA! USA!

    Submitted by tylerrod45 on Mar 19, 10 at 8:41am
  • Go America!!! Boo Canada!

    Submitted by Draknar on Mar 14, 10 at 5:32pm
  • This is in my area o.o

    Submitted by snowbernard on Apr 3, 10 at 3:01am
  • We all know ur lying...

    Submitted by goetz4967 on Mar 14, 10 at 10:15pm
  • Represent lower mainland!! That's how we do it ;)

    Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 29, 10 at 2:23am
  • Can't go wrong with a Canadian ;)

    Submitted by Ruby7790 on Jul 31, 12 at 7:09pm
  • Ohhhh cannaaadaaaa!!! Lmao

    Submitted by hannahcowgirl on Mar 16, 10 at 10:48pm
  • Hahaha! Omg hilarious!

    Submitted by Bigsexy77 on Sep 28, 11 at 7:59pm
  • Better women, better movies, better shows, better technology, better cars, better food, bigger dicks, better armed forces, and last I checked better fuckers. USA you Canadian pricks and get off of American sites you dickless women hating shits.

    Submitted by bttrdenu on Oct 10, 10 at 1:16am
  • hey maynard nothing against Canada but if you're going to brag about how awesome you are for inventing hockey and basketball you might want to get your facts straight bc basketball was first played in Springfield Massachusetts

    Submitted by m2lynch on Mar 15, 10 at 10:22am
    •\nFirst played in Springfield Massachusetts but invented by a Canadian. Get your facts straight before you go dissing on someone else. ;)

      Submitted by janine86 on Aug 18, 10 at 9:49pm
  • Blame canada

    Submitted by janky on Mar 14, 10 at 2:32pm
    • obviously people are not getting the southpark reference haha

      Submitted by dankherb on Mar 14, 10 at 6:43pm
  • It would appear Matthew got a chick,then...XD\nMy question is...who'd he text?

    Submitted by TeaAndABiscuit on Oct 30, 12 at 1:17am
  • Here's another thing that put Canada on top, you now have Obama. Haha sucks for you America. You are slowly becoming us.

    Submitted by MarineAggie on Mar 15, 10 at 1:02am
  • No Hetalia comments? Damn, fans must be slacking...

    Submitted by PorceCai on Jan 15, 11 at 4:35am
  • Canada FTW

    Submitted by Anonymous198117 on May 13, 11 at 12:24am
  • 39th (aren't I cool?)

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 15, 10 at 12:01am
  • Hahaha sick

    Submitted by canadamagic on Jan 10, 11 at 7:42pm
  • Canada sucks

    Submitted by kmarciel on Mar 20, 10 at 5:59am
  • H-hetalia? :3

    Submitted by XxSparklePartyxX on Dec 12, 11 at 1:41am
  • Oh good SOMEONE was finally willing to bang a Canadian, I was worried they might snap from sexual frustration and try to focus on something NOT related to health care or hocky!

    Submitted by 69_Charger on Mar 14, 10 at 10:23pm
    • clearly you have never had sex with a hockey player... and its not a hockey player if its not canadian!

      Submitted by ania20 on Mar 15, 10 at 12:36am
    • Considering what the person below said: they've got a point, besides you can't spell for shit... Hockey, not hocky, no wonder our men AND women beat the US of A in the FINALS AGAIN... Only we also did it at home and while on their turf...

      Submitted by KX510 on Mar 15, 10 at 7:38pm
  • I have a friend who's Canadian. We get hot n heavy sometimes. Now every time we start getting intimate, I start cracking up. \n\nAnd I STILL haven't told him why!!

    Submitted by AL3XMAR5 on May 31, 11 at 4:48am
  • this is actually the only post i have ever laughed at

    Submitted by theglassdinosaur on Oct 1, 12 at 6:33pm
  • Psh canadiens cant get pussy

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 14, 10 at 11:47pm
  • canadian football is shit, and we created lax. suck it canada, eh? \n\nUSAAAA

    Submitted by USA on Mar 19, 10 at 11:58pm
  • I didn't know Canada had the Internet.

    Submitted by chiapetlex on Mar 14, 10 at 1:04pm
    • Weird, I didn't know American's could get off their HUGE asses to reach a computer!

      Submitted by channel151 on Mar 14, 10 at 4:54pm
    • thats weird, i thought your fat fingers would press 2 keys at once, how did you end up typing this?

      Submitted by MountainPeake on Apr 5, 10 at 10:39pm
  • I met the same girl in the Dominican Republic. I was Canada in a resort full of Canadians, but I think I was replaced after I left

    Submitted by hailthefax on Mar 16, 10 at 7:29pm
  • Canada wins again.

    Submitted by Eazy187 on Jan 26, 11 at 6:55pm
  • USA ! fuck Canada

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 14, 10 at 3:53pm
  • I like how you pick up a bitch that doesn't have the decency to actually ask for your name. Canada fail.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 14, 10 at 11:58pm
  • I want to like this because it's funny, but then's about Canada. USA baby!

    Submitted by ewewewewewew on Mar 14, 10 at 8:44am
  • First u faggs

    Submitted by vagpartrl on Mar 14, 10 at 8:24am
  • Well then, let me tell you about Hetalia...

    Submitted by LOLman789789 on Jun 7, 13 at 11:34pm
  • hey canadians um yeah you have a pretty awesome country plus you can get drunk off maple syrup but you don't have to rub it in our faces. most americans who make the hugely obnoxious FREEDOM posts are being sarcastic xD

    Submitted by burritotown on Jul 10, 13 at 11:56pm