I would agree with you if the same people didn't comment on texts about a guy cheating by saying that he's awesome and good for him, etc. I'm fine with the condemnation of cheating, but not the double standard.
everyone is bashed for cheating on this website moron. Its also a double standard when that misconception is always brought up when its not true, to defend your gender with lies.
who are these dumb bitches that are giving thumbs down to calling this whore a whore.... Stupid emotional bitches, I hope her husband is banging the shit out of the girl she texted this to.
Apparently this guy means more to you than just fuck buddy status. Sounds like an affair. Sounds like a serious marriage problem. At what point do you start feeling guilt while you are being porked by your buddy?
You can hide the fact that your screwing someone behind your husbands back but you can't hide a $3 card purchase!?! Who is dumber, you or your husband??
IMO a fuck buddy is classified as such so as to avoid things like that 'to buy a gift or not' shit. BUT seeing that you're married, you should just blow him. WHORE.
Fuck the gift. He'd probably be more than happy if you'd just let him cram it in your ass.\nI need to find out where you morally bankrupt broads are hanging out. Jeez.
This app should be called texts from nasty cunts! %90 of the texts on here are from whores talking about being whores. How do people find this shit funny. I hope her disgusting pussy rots off!
My wife cheated and it ruined my life. Thank you guys for helping to restore the faith I've lost in people. I wish it was a crime so i could have a sense of justice.
Way to post your cry for help in a hugely public forum. What a shiity, desparate life you've created for eveyone around you. When it finally goes tits up, what will your dad think of you?
Yes, very logical. Never mind that statistically, men cheat more than women...but it's totally the women's fault, guys! Newsflash, some men are assholes and some women are bitches, you can't just arbitrarily blame one gender.
"Bitches like you is why SOME guys are assholes" does not totally blame one gender for the entire issue, nor does it say all guys that are assholes are that way for this reason. It merely states that because of unfaithful, heart-smashing, mental-scarring whores like this, SOME guys turn out to be assholes in response to it. Some of us just wind up paranoid that the awesome woman we finally found will wind up doing it to us again. I have been cheated, worst thing possible in a relations
Honey, go to your local supermarket and buy a gift card while you do your normal weekly shopping. Then you can either give the guy the gift card or go to the store the gift card is for, and buy him a gift there. Then if your husband questions the supermarket bill, just tell him you forgot to use coupons, or something to that effect, but hopefully it won't come to that.
Styphin you've been dating the same man/woman for ten years? So what's the holdup for getting married? I'm writing my dissertation on couples who've dated more than five years yet remain unmarried.
I hope your husband finds out and bashes your fucking brains in against the sidewalk. That's the best you deserve. Maybe your fuck buddy can scrape up what's left and have one more go afterwards.
Having never cheated on my girlfriend of 10 years, I can freely call this person a filthy, disgusting slut-whore, and I hope her husband finds out, divorces her, and leaves her with nothing. I hope her actions come back to fuck her so hard she is homeless on the streets, develops a crack addiction and dies alone.
I did hear tfln was a university experiment to see how easily people could be manipulated to anger and / or provoke people w their texts... Good way for them to raise$$ also... For the pretzels.
FUCKEN NICE FUCK THE HATERS these dumbasses probably think this is a genuine Text hahhahahaha and fuck all these double standards bullshit cheating is cheating but u nvr know the husband could be worse there's two sides to every story if this shit is real
Is this my ex-wife? Alison, why didn't you tell me you got remarried? I could've gotten you a gift...free therapy for the new guy you've duped into a relationship! Whatever happened to the cokehead you fucked to end our marriage? I still have to do something nice for him since life has been nothing but all up and no down since you banged him...ah, memories. And VD tests...
The point is nt about her cheating. The key here on the text is the birthday present. Yes - No !!
I say yes and let her kick herself in the ass later for leaving a trace.
I hope your husband is fucking every single female family member in your existence.... Def shows there is no god cause your ass wouldn't be breathing if I were him.
The EXACT same thing I would say with a woman sending it. If you are not happy in your relationship, you have 2 choices: 1. FIX IT; or 2. LEAVE. Cheating on someone is beyond hurtful, and mentally damaging. The issues that arise when you have been cheated on are long-lasting, and difficult to deal with. NOBODY should have to endure that. Male or female, cheaters are scum!
wow... you cum sucking piece of shit... i hope you don't have any fucking children cus we don't need any more of your worthless kind in the world.... WHORE
My vote is - all the people shouting the "whore, slut" comments, are probably the ones that were fucked around on... I would suggest a birthday bj. :-)
It's funny how most of the guys calling her a whore are married and banging side chix. Hypocritical cocksuckers, get ur fuck buddy something nice and just take a cash withdrawal and pay for it.. U whore lol.
@ 9:24 that would make sense. People get easilyt twisted by things they read. Where they don't know the fact or story behind. Very easy trigger points. Depending who is reading and how triggers them to repply.
You along with my ex should be exiled from humanity,along with all the other whores and sluts and cheating bitches I hope you rott and wither away with the wind whore
Wrong on so many levels... Forget that you are cheating, and that your hubby controls your $$.. Cant you even figure out how to get and use cash? I bet HE knows how to get prezzies for his fuck buddy w/ out you finding out....\n Oh yeah , pretzels..... But not for this dumb cheating broad.
it's times like this when i get pissed that a cheating woman could get married to a man but two men or two women who are faithful to each other and love one another are not allowed to. smh.
god damn, why a whore? she likes sex. like her man does not know something is up?!?!?. you tfln people are so lame....oh if you want you can send me hate mail @\nyouallsuck@blowme.com!!!!!!
No, if the word used was "wife" instead of husband my opinion of the op would still be the same. Sure the word "ass" or "pig" may be more prevalent than "whore" if it was a guy but the concept is still the same. Cheating is not okay male or female.
Stephie, check the Worst Night all time and look at how people spoke about that dude. Aka, you're wrong. Anyone who cheats and is proud of it is a cowardly piece of garbage.
If you were MY wife, you wouldn't need to explain anything. We'd shop together for his present and I'd watch you give it to him! Then after he'd banged your lights out, I'd take you back home for more of the same, or we'd stay at his place and take turns with you.
You really must be from Crawfordsville...I'm going to take a shot in the dark based on your post and area code...and the usage of the debit card...yep, sounds like a Townie to me!
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