Actually length is what makes it reach the g spot, average girth is best. no girl likes a guy too thick, unless shes so loose that thats the only way she can feel it.
Actually, you are wrong. The G-Spot is only 2 inches in. I'm pretty certain any guy can reach that... true length matters some, but girth matters more.
Only a guy with no self-control or who does not care about women at all would hurt a woman during sex. Definitely a bad lay whether women want to accept that or not.
I'm white, my penis is nowhere near the size of my forearm, or a woman's forearm, and I hit 'goodnight' because it sounds like a woman would probably enjoy that.
Its really sad how all these insecure guys have to start downing another race. It really goes to show how far we have come. I'm not mad at any of you "black haters" just dissapointed that the human race still won't get over something as insignificant as the color of skin. I don't know how u look in the mirror and face yourself when u can sit here and talk shit about blacks, safely behind ur computer like the coward u are. All black aren't ignorant and live in the ghetto. It's
With so much racism against Blacks being expressed here Blacks like myself have every reason to look at White folks with suspicion. I bet some or most of the very ones saying racist stuff here act friendly towards Blacks in real life. Sickening.
Love black people, hate n*ggers. Please don't talk like you didn't make it past the third grade, just be a normal human being and a good amount of the hate would go again.
Emerica says that black people should just act, talk and assimilate into them, and everything would be alright. Its not like she's unaware she's racist too...
Big dicks are great for girls to look at and that's it. I can't tell you how many times I have missed out on anal or other kinkier forms of sex because it hurt her. Girls claiming to love dicks bigger than 8 inches are liars
If small dicks aren't aesthetically pleasing, why do classic sculptures like Michelangelo's David and others have (proportionally) extremely small penes?\n\nAnd yes, penes is the proper plural of penis. I just looked it up. :)
Idk, but what I do know is that years later all the "penes" were removed from the statues and had grape leaves plastered where they should have been, sooooooo I'm thinking they're not aesthetically pleasing, hahaha
Because at the time, the Greeks found a man's whole body aesthetically pleasing--masculinity isn't all about the penis. The penis is the fun/propagating part, but there are other sides of men that are appealing. So stop crying rivers about your lil weeny
If the text read "he owns a house and has a job, I'm never going back to black guys". Then it would be called racist because it promotes stereotypes. and if that one is racist then this one is too.
Ur all idiots! She never said he was black, only that he wasnt white. Who cares what color he was... U assholes r the reason theres still racism in america. There are just as many trashy whites as there are blacks. It's her life get the fuck over it.
Good form's true she Never said he was black, she just commented how big his dick was and the fact she's not going back to white guys and everyone assumed he was black. Good form
We are all people at the end of the day, and being racist cuts you off from some really awesome people. Judge people by the content of their character, not by the color of their skin!
Yeah, I love it when racists open their mouths. To themselves, they think they're sounding wise and profound while everyone else is just marveling how stupid they are. None of these douches would ever say any of this to a black man's face. It's so much easier on the internet, isn't it?
Submitted by
on Aug 18, 10 at 12:43am
from getting eaten out to racism? haha,people just do it cause blacks get defensive so easily and people know it will push their buttons. i don't freak out when black girls assume im a certain way cause im white or disrespect me, and i dont feel the need to make generalizations and say "all your guys hate on white people, bitch bitch bitch..." accept the fucking skin your in and ignore the criticisms and maybe people will stop doing it. i've dated white, black, and mixed guys all of which
lol, My man's white. I'm not dating him because he's white, he just happens to be white. I'm not trying to get his money or whatever. He's sensitive, he makes me laugh, and I quite enjoy his penis
Wow people Are so ignorant. Who cares if she enjoyed sex with him. All you people bashing other races Are disgusting, and need to stop and open your closed minds. Oh yea and grow the FUCK up.
I'm pretty sure it was a joke. Shut the fuck up you racist fucks. Both of the black men i've been with are classier than your small minded shit headed selves. Just sayin :)
Wow you cracker ass hypocrites really need to get over yourselves, yall know yall have dated a black chick before or possibly an Asian... So what's with this bullshit? Hatin'
I am not surprised. There are a ton of Whites that act like they are okay with Black people to their face but talk about them like dogs behind their backs. I have even had Whites tell me about how Whites dog Blacks out secretly. No,not surprised at all. Also,almost every time you see Blacks and Whites fighting on message boards it started with a supposedly White person saying something racist. Anybody that has been on message boards a lot know that is true.
It would be easier to get white people from using the N word if black people didn't call each other that ALL THE TIME. Most of my friends are black and I hear the N word more than another except for "bet" or "it is what it is".
The difference is the conotation of the word when black people use it amongst themselves and when others use it. I can call my aunt "Aunt", but if you call my aunt "Aunt", its not right, do you understand? Seriously, I'm not being a smart ass, its just this subject seems to really confuse white people
Give me an F'n break. Black people are just as or more racist than white people. He'll the dark ones pick on the lighter skinned ones. In 2008 everyone is getting sick of complaints and excuses. Get an education/ job / life... Quit wasting your time making excuses, and using the double standard race card on white people.
First off, I know of a few black guys who love to go down. Second, y'all assume she meant a black guy. Love the way y'all stereotype. Third, anon was awesome thinking they didn't send the same thing twice and changed the one little word. Too bad you're too spineless to get a screen name and post under it.
Actually I've never heard of mexicans having small penes (learned that new little tip lol pun not intended). And those aren't the only races that live in America.
Yeah retard, Mexicans do not account for all the other Hispanics or Latinos out there. I think you should take a look of a map on the continent of South America, and study all the countries in it. Ugh this kind of ignorance just pisses me off! Did you learn anything in 6th grade when you had a Geography class? What about the Italian race? Or French? I think you've forgotten about Europe too. Idiot.
It's a joke dumbshit. This is a funny site and if you can't take a joke you're in the wrong place.\n\nAttacking my education level is comical. I have a Bachelors in IT and an Masters in Business Administration. Go back to your job at McDonalds and let us continue to have fun here while you continue a miserable existence.
Who the fuck drives an Escalade these days, have u seen gas prices??!!! When the world goes to hell John Cusack won't be there in a limo to save you or your feak meat.
What makes me laugh most about ALL the comments is how everyone, white/black/whatever, is missing how the entire concept of black men are bigger is a racist comment. If your race was subject to slavery for hundreds of years, you'd want something to say you're better too, be it true or not.
You make it sound like Big Dicks are the only thing we have going for us. We changed music--A Major part of human art. We became a prime example of human perseverance
Stereotypes are bad, but still not as awful as people dismissing others by their color of skin. We are all just different shades of grey and nobody is a true black, white, pink, or purple person; especially in the US. It ain't called "The melting pot" for nothing... You racist ppl however are a shame to your whole species. Mainly bc you are probably inbred, due to the closed minds you have. Not enough chromosomes I guess...
Dont tell the white people theyre actually black too..their skin just lightened over the thousands of years from them adapting to an environment with less sun
*Most people mistake prejudice with racism because they simply were raised accustomed to only white people being around. The problem is when prejudices, stereotypes and racism is perpetuated from generation to generation. That's why so many rednecks are racist and breed racist children. Parents and "educators" can create this problem too. It's up to our generation to teach our children and them to teach theirs what's important. Not to judge based on the color of the skin. You don'
Akodrea, I'll prove your comment about generation to generation wrong. I live in Alabama & my dad was born in the early 50's and grew up during the civil rights era. I was born in the 1970's and racism was NEVER taught in my house. I began not liking black people by my own experiences, so don't sit there and act like blacks are some innocent victim of racism. Maybe if they didn't act all loud and ghetto, get arrested, be on gov't assistance, etc then there wouldn't be so mu
Two claps for you, Captain Stabbin. Congrats on forming your opinion on the whole African population for being loud and ghetto, getting arrested and living on wellfare. What an astute observation, your parents must be proud!
You're afraid of black people, aren't you? Do you get nervous? I've experienced a lot of people that I didnt like that happened to be white. It doesnt mean I dont like ALL white people, because I've never MET all white people. The worst kind of racist is one that doesnt even realize that theyre racist
Hey akodrea? The fact that you just sat in your mamas basement typing that entire novel means you care too much about black dicks than to see the humor in that text. Stfu, and get you some.
I am a novelist so I thoroughly enjoy typing stories in my mama's basement. And I've actually been with only one black dick but its size was comparable to many white dicks I've experienced. I just felt like ranting to some of the inbreds on this site who may claim their comments are all in jest but are really ignorant, prejudiced pricks who have small dicks. So many people use the n-word to sound funny but in reality the jokes on them because little do they know the n-word means IGNORAN
@Valkyerie black men are only dominated in the pussy eating arena by spanish guys :D ive met like 1 black guy who doesnt eat and NEVER a spanish guy who doesnt :D
I call bs on so many comments. First of all I'm a white girl raised in government housing which is the ghetto n all my friends at school n outside school was black bc they accepted me for who I was not the clothes I wore. So it kills me that u say all white ppl talk about black n that's why we are all suspicious. When u judge a whole race bc of a few people that makes u racist n everyone can be racist not just white people. And schooling isn't the disadvantage its money n parents. When u live
*What most white people don't realize/understand is what most non-white people have to deal with on a daily basis. Ever heard of white privilege? Whether you're rich or poor, white people are still deemed better candidates for jobs, housing and other aspects of society simply because they are white. There are less educated, less qualified white people who are getting jobs and housing because of white privilege. Most people might argue affirmative action here, but let's be real...this wouldn
LOL, no one would refer to "white privilege" as affirmative action, affirmative action was created to give less educated, less qualified black people the jobs educated, qualified white men were unfairly steeling from the black man.
I meant affirmative action in the context of a college or university accepting a less privileged and less qualified non-white student over a more qualified and privileged white student due to required enrollment quotas. Ever heard of the "good ol boys network?"
***this wouldn't have been enforced if there wasn't so much white privilege in education. But where it all begins for anybody, regardless of their background and economic status is PARENTING.
How are whites privileged in education?If you have 10 white kids & 10 black kids in a classroom,aren't they getting the SAME education?It's what they choose to do once they leave the classroom ,as in study ,do homework etc.The teachers can't do it all.The kids have to have an initiative for follow through.Maybe white kids just want more out of life than their black counterparts.If you blame their poor upbringing,well that would be even more of a reason to try harder in school to break the v
Based on socio-economics, it's statistically proven that more white people have access to better education (boarding schools and private schools are filled with many white faces.) I'm sure there's a huge disparity in quality of education when comparing the number of predominantly white schools to predominantly multi-racial schools. Obviously there are plenty of exceptions in the US. Also a lot of people don't realize the psychology of black americans is much different than w
White people do have more privilege in education. Things like funding, teachers that give a damn, after school programs, the arts. Your arguments arent based on experience, it's fortune cookie shit.
I think it's funny how all the black people are crying about the racists and how everyone is equal and it's just skin color...if we're all "equal" then why is it ok for black people to have things only for black people such as BET, united negro college fund etc. If white people were to have shit like that it would be the end of the fucking world. If y'all want to be equal and be treated equal, then stop segregating yourselves from the rest of humanity.
I don't think it's segregating themselves, it's about getting fair representation and embracing culture. It's not any different from having Spanish channels.
Akodrea. You're ignorant. The N-word comes from the Latin"niger", which means black. Does some fucking research before you try to make yourself out to be "enlightened".
i guarantee every guy on here that is bragging about the size of his penis is lying guys who have big dicks don't talk about them or brag and if they do they are just trying to get peoples attention. and all the racist stuff gets old real fast
Stupid CUNT.... I'm white with a huge COCK!!!! Sounds like u needed a differ.. color cock cuz ur a slut!!!!! Escalades ain't no plce to fuck for a someone with real class....
Most of these comments are probably coming from people who live in predominantly white towns where stereotypes, prejudices and racism is constantly perpetuated. OMG, have you seen that colored boy working at the diner? What is happening to our's getting so...dark! Again, whether you're from the North, South, East or West, when your only real life encounter with those of different races is in the hood or in the media, you're bound to stereotype and hold prejudices. Most people mistake
You know that uni coursework says that stereotyping is hardwired and a legitemate defense mechanism, right? If humans thru time had to make individual value judgments on everything potentially dangerous all the time we as a species wouldn't be here to talk about it
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